Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Our Natural Blind Spot

He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten: he hideth his face; he will never see it.” (Ps 10:11 AV)

David is speaking of those who would treat him with wickedness and injustice.  He is speaking of the nature of sinful mankind.  He is speaking of the basic nature of those who do not have a relationship with the LORD is any fashion.  They tend to go about their wicked lives without any cognition of the reality of God.  If God does exist (in their way of thinking), then He does not see and/or does not care of their actions.  They see no immediate justice or, if they do suffer, it is attributed to something other than God himself.  Fate or luck has been unkind.  A natural consequence of a choice.  So forth.  What we should consider is this tendency to forget God in all that we do or experience is not limited to just the wicked.  Those who claim the name of Christ can also get into this mode of forgetting that God sees everything.  Even if we cannot sense it.

I have just read that London, England is the most surveyed city of the world.  Literally, there is no place that is accessible by the public where a camera somewhere isn’t watching.  A particular crime was underway and the authorities located and could track every move the perpetrators made from the time the left their place of organization until they returned.  Footage was even provided of the crime in progress.  Some most of the cameras used were not easily visible.  Hidden in light fixture, behind or in articles on a shelf, or molded into a nick-knack, these cameras could see everything from every angle.  In today’s world, it is impossible to go anywhere without being seen.  How many of us are aware of those cameras?  We go into a large store and we are aware of the dark round objects installed in the ceiling.  Few, if any, knowing they are cameras, altar their behavior because of their presence.  A few years back, I had frozen shoulder syndrome.  This caused me to have my left hand in my jacket pocket all the time.  This attracted the attention of the loss prevention officers.  The tailed me whenever I was shopping.  How did they find me and single me out?  Cameras.

God’s eyes are far more perceptive than man-made cameras.  The eyes of the LORD are literally in every place.  Not only does He see what we do, but His eyes can go right to the depths of our hearts.  He knows what we intend to do, how we feel, and what we are thinking.  Just because God chooses not to exercise chastisement right away does not mean He failed to see.  Or, it could be the thing we are suffering is the correcting hand of God but we fail to attribute is as such because we think God cannot or did not see what we did.

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