Sunday, May 26, 2019

To Get The Best One Has To Want The Best

Behold, I have longed after thy precepts: quicken me in thy righteousness.” (Ps 119:40 AV)

Whenever the reader notices a colon in the middle of the verse, what comes after the colon is intended to expound on the statement made before the colon.  In our verse above, the desire to be quickened is the motive for the longing after the precepts.  The word ‘quicken’ means to be made alive.  To live in a level much higher than one was.  Quicken is opposed to death.  It is the polar opposite.  There is a profound truth here.  It goes to the core of why so any professing saints have no desire to grow in the word of God.  Simply put, they really do not want to live.

There used to be a time when those who observed blessed Christian homes as something for which they wished to attain.  Well behaved children who were a joy to their parents, a loving wife who adored her husband, and a father and husband who sacrificially loved his wife and children.  It was a dream that others aspired to.  This is no longer the case.  Now, we have a generation of ‘saints’ who have little to no desire for God’s perfect will.  It is really sad.  There are so many blessings that could be experienced if we simply desire them enough to live by God’s word.  This is impossible unless we have the desire.  There was a time when the convert left a wicked and sinful life deeply desiring the peace and blessings which came from a holy and separated life.  We have all had this struggle.  The world, the devil, and the flesh try to convince us the life God has for us is not all that it could be.  It was the Devil’s argument to Eve in the garden of Eden.  “There is a better life out there than the one that comes from obedience.”  We are so convinced of it that we do not even want to give obedience a try.

This is where faith comes it.  Our flesh, the world, and the devil offer a counter argument.  We fail to put it to the test.  What is so sad about this truth is life could be so much better than it is.  We can live!  We can be quickened!  This quickening must be desired and the only way it can be is to yield to the Holy Spirit and trust what the word of God says.  We can have a bit of heaven here on earth.  It is possible.  Your children can adore you.  Your wife can think you are Prince Charming.  Your wife can be your absolute best friend.  You and I can have the life we always dreamed of, but first, we have to dream.  Then we have to be willing to learn and apply the principles of God’s word.  Then and only then will we understand what living truly 

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