Sunday, May 5, 2019

No Apology Coming

Who hath prevented me, that I should repay him? whatsoever is under the whole heaven is mine.” (Job 41:11 AV)

God doesn’t owe His creation anything because He owns everything.  The true statement of a Creator! Mankind would be wise to consider this truth.  In a generation that is trained to define life as it individually affects them, this verse is a stab at the heart.  God is addressing Job.  Job questions his purpose for existence.  He questions why the LORD would have created him to begin with.  Job wishes he could pass from this world into eternity.  Job wonders why God would do with him what he did since he sees no benefit.  The statement above is God’s response.

We can get to feeling bad about our situation pretty easy.  What has always astounded me is God’s response to Job when He was the one who allowed it all to happen.  God brought up to Satan the faithfulness of Job.  It wasn’t Satan who desired to try Job.  It was the LORD who allowed Satan to steal from him all his material wealth.  It was Satan who brought invaders to kill his children.  It was Satan who inflicted Job with boils.  But God allowed all this.  The only thing God spared was the one thing Job did not want.  His life.  One would think that God would feel some empathy.  Instead, God chastens Job for his reaction to the trial.  God has every right to bring on us what He will.  He does not have to justify himself.  Besides, to empathize would mean God was apologizing for allowing it all to happen in the first place. 

God does not have to answer for what He causes or allows.  As Creator, He has the right to do that which He pleases with that which He has made.  We will not sit here and find fault with Job because given the same set of circumstances, it is highly doubtful we would fare any better.  What we can do is look at Job’s circumstances, see his complaints, then compare our situation against his.  If God did not tolerate Job’s musing over far worse, then certainly He will not tolerate our musings over the comparatively far less.  He owns us.  Whether we accept this or not.  It really doesn’t matter.  He will do as He wishes and we have no right to question or judge!

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