Sunday, May 19, 2019

Simple Trust and Obedience

Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways! I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned my hand against their adversaries.” (Ps 81:13-14 AV)

Victory is as easy as faith and obedience.  The promise to Israel is God’s intervention in their struggles against the enemies of the nation.  The promise is simple, yet so hard to live.  If Israel will harken to the LORD and strive to walk in the ways of the word of God, then the LORD will take care of their enemies.  This did not mean they were to be sinless.  That is what the sacrificial system was meant to address.  When they failed, they were to offer sacrifices.  They were to walk in faith, trusting the law of God was best for them.  This included the sacrifices.  Our history is like theirs.  We have a hard time walking in obedience and trust.  Because we do, the LORD allows our adversaries to have a temporary advantage over us so that we will learn that God’s ways are the best ways.

One of the challenges of raising toddlers is they get to the point when they want to do things their way.  They want to try it themselves.  Sometimes, parents are proud of their young ones for showing a heart to grow.  They want to learn a skill.  They want to show they don’t need as much oversight or assistance as they once did.  It is their declaration of independence and individuality.  There are times, however, when this is not advisable.  They will not listen to wiser words.  They cannot see that Mom or Dad may have input that will save them from hard lessons.  Off they go, into their own course, and suffer for it.  It is in those times when Mom or Dad allow them to act out their plan.  Even knowing it will not work and may result in a little discomfort.  Now, Mom and Dad will not allow youngster to be permanently marred.  But a scrap or too early in life is well worth it.  Learning that the authority figure has more wisdom and is out for your good is a lesson well learned early in life.

We suffer undo trouble from the flesh, the world, and the devil because we do not walk in faith and obedience.  Only eternity will tell how much could have been avoided if we had just taken God at His word.  God is proclaiming as loudly as He can from the portals of heaven, “trust Me!”  When we think we know the best way, or we simply ignore what we know to be right and do it anyway, the LORD is not obligated to protect us.  Just like a loving parent who desires to teach his child that Dad knows best, God allows us to suffer from the consequences of our actions.  His heart is to stop all the pain.  He wishes we could avoid it.  But it is our stubbornness that brings the adversity.  Faith and obedience.  It really is that simple.

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