Friday, May 10, 2019

The Eternally Perfect Word of God

The counsel of the LORD standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations.” (Ps 33:11 AV)

If you were to believe most professing Christians of educated backgrounds, you would be led to believe there is no perfect word of God today.  You would be led to believe the second law of thermodynamics made a victim of the written word of God.  They would lead you to believe that only the original autographs were perfectly provided and the moment scribes began to copy the original autographs, degradation set in.  And, so they presume, since the original autographs have been lost to time, there really is no true perfect word of God today.  How sad.  Poor God is hopeless against the very nature He has created and limited by the acts of mankind.  I didn’t realize our God was so helpless.  LOL

The truth of the matter is, God did and does protect His word by His almighty power.  His word is eternally perfect and provided to mankind for their admonition, salvation, and edification.  The above very is very plan.  It is very simple.  Even the most complicated academic should be able to grasp its simple truth.  All generations mean all generations.  From Adam and Eve to the last human generation to exist on this planet, the counsel of the LORD stands.  His thoughts began with mankind in the garden of Eden and nothing man can do will cause it to cease.

Attacking the authority and reliability of the word of God is nothing new.  This is exactly what the Devil did in the garden of Eden and has been doing ever since.  The reason is simple.  Romans chapter ten and in verse seventeen tells us why.  Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.  If the word of God is not perfect and reliable, or faith cannot be either.  What really astounds me is how we have allowed the science of language to talk us out of the simple truth of God’s omnipotence and justice.  The God who can calm the waters of a storm or raise the dead to life can surely protect His word.   The God who set each star in its place can also be sure each letter of His word remains where He intends it to be.  If God does not provide His word perfect, and without error, then He has no perfect standard by which He will just, this becoming an unjust magistrate.  The word of God is perfect.  To all generations.  Not because academics say so.  Not because the science of language verifies it.  It is perfect unto all generations because the character of God demands it!

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