Thursday, May 9, 2019

Pure Promises Produces God's Presence

Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.” (Ps 24:3-4 AV)

The swearing which is spoken of here is swearing a vow.  Making a promise one may have intended to keep at the time, but in reality, chooses not to once the vowing us over.  My thoughts went to the altar call.  One wonders how many vows are made there that fail to have deep and lasting roots.  I am all for an altar call.  It would be better to go to an altar than not at all.  This is not a treatise against the use of the altar call.  What we are contemplating this day is the times we have vowed or sought forgiveness when in the deepest places of our heart, we really had no intention of changing to begin with.  Or, at the very least, because of conviction, we did have a desire.   However, once the guilt and pressure of conviction was assuaged, then the desire to overcome also abated.

We have to remind ourselves that God sees everything.  He even sees the true condition of the heart.  He knows of what quality our vows truly are.  He understands the motivation behind to vow.  He sees the truth of how deeply that vow is rooted.  Several times I have gone to my knees and ask the LORD’s forgiveness, promising to strive harder and yield to the influence of the Holy Spirit so that I may be more successful in living to the pleasure of God the Father.  It has happened frequently.  However, in the depth of my soul, there were times when I knew that once the service was over, or once the time of prayer concluded, the old man would again rear his ugly head to the end of another failure.  There were times when I sought the LORD’s mercy in one area knowing full well I was failing in a different area.

If we desire the presence of God, then transparency is of the utmost importance. We must be free from pretense.  It doesn’t make sense anyway.  We may be able to fool ourselves, but we cannot fool God.  God knows all.  God sees all.  God is not asking for perfecting as though we can attain it.  We cannot.  That is why the LORD Jesus Christ died for us.  God is not seeking our compliance by our own efforts.  That is why He has supplied the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  What God is asking is that we prepare our hearts to seek Him.  That means being honest.  That means when we do say we are going to strive, that we actually do.  That means when we confess our sin, we confess it all.  We leave no rock un-turned.  Even if we have not been brought to the place of full repentance, then we can at least as the Father to bring us to that point.  Deceit never works with God.  He sees right through it

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