Monday, March 4, 2019

Treating Symptoms While Ignoring the Cure

And see, if it goeth up by the way of his own coast to Bethshemesh, then he hath done us this great evil: but if not, then we shall know that it is not his hand that smote us: it was a chance that happened to us.” (1Sa 6:9 AV)

The event of which this verse speaks is the smiting of the men of Philistines with emerods in their secret parts.  The Ark of the Covenant was captured in a war because of the rebellion of God’s people.  It was placed in the temple of the god Dagon of the Philistines.  The LORD smote their idol in the midst of this temple.  Furthermore, the men of Philistines were inflicted with painful boils in places one does not wish to be inflicted.  They concocted a plan to return the Ark to Israel with offerings attached to it.  If the boils disappeared when the Ark was returned, they would then know the God of Israel and His Ark was the cause of their affliction.  But the question arises.  To what end?  If it is proven God and the Ark was the cause of judgment, what are they going to do?  If they are enlightened to discover the God of Israel conquered Dagon, and was the cause of their affliction, what then?  Merely return the Ark?  Is that sufficient?

This reminds me of patients who treat the symptoms without addressing the disease. A patient may have a life-threatening condition brought on by lifestyle choices, and their solution is to address the symptoms alleviating the pain, all the while rejecting the cure. We do the same in our walk with God.  We suffer from our disobedience.  We address the pain caused by that disobedience on a case-by-case basis.  We seek relief from the worst of the consequences and learn to tolerate the more menial.  We forsake that which is causing the greatest amount of damage but neglect the underlying cause of it all.  When it came to the Philistines, the Ark was not their problem.  It may have seemed as though it was, for when it was returned, the pain ceased.  The problem was, in just a few short years, they would lose their champion Goliath and become tributaries to the very people whom they once inflicted.  Returning the Ark relieved temporary affliction.  It did not cure the problem.

God desire mankind to walk with Him in faith and righteousness.  If he does not, then man will suffer the consequences.  In the medical field, not all symptoms may be related to a single physical cause.  One might suffer joint problems that have no relation to shortness of breath.  One might suffer GI problems which has nothing to do with poor eyesight.  We treat the consequences of disobedience or lack of faith in one area while allowing another to fester.  It’s like trying to put out one little fire at a time without realizing our failure is wholistic.  The first and greatest commandment is to love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and body.  Until we do that, we can sent he ark back, but another problem will arise that will need relief.

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