Thursday, March 7, 2019

Spite Is a Horrible Thing

David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with thee.” (1Sa 17:37 AV)

Saul really didn’t believe David would be victorious.  So, why let him go?  Did not Saul remember the challenge?  According to Goliath, to the victor goes the spoils.  The winner of the Mono-a-mono would claim the loser’s nation as his servants.  If the Philistines won, the Israel would become servants.  And then what of Saul?  If Israel won, then the Philistines were supposed to become servants to the Jews.  This begs a question.  If Saul did not think David could beat Goliath, then he was signing his own freedom away.  This only goes to show the depth of Saul’s rebellion.  He would rather be a servant of a heathen king than allow David to reign in his stead.  If he cannot have it, then no one can.  This is exactly what the Devil does in Revelation chapter twelve.  If he cannot reign on the earth, then he will seek to destroy is so that Christ cannot reign either.

This type of behavior is the ultimate in rebellion.  From this point forward, Saul is bent on destroying David.  He will give the motive of securing a line of kings through Jonathan, but he real motive is his hatred for David.  He knows that God ordained David and Samuel anointed him.  There is no undoing this.  Jonathan was never going to sit on that throne.  So, if Saul cannot have what he wants, then no one can have it. This reminds me of poor patients.  These patients know they cannot have peace of body and mind, so they make it their mission to be sure no one has it.  If they cannot be in perfect soundness, then no one can.  These are the kind of people that “ruin it for everybody.”  The old, “If I have to be miserable, then everyone has to be miserable.”

How does this apply to where we live today?  What about attitude?  What about our spirits?  We are not having the best of days so no one can.  When we walk into a room and our attitude affects all those around us.  I knew of such a person.  The man could turn a celebration into a funeral.  When he walked into a room with his rage and violent spirit, he didn’t have to say a word.  Immediately his disposition changed the entire ambiance of those gathered.  When once they were jovial, they were all quiet not wanting to poke the bear.  These kind of people need to find a hole and crawl into it.  If they will not change their hearts, they need to change their location.  How is our disposition affecting others?  Are we that bitter that we think life is so horrible that all have to share the same?  Are we so self-centered that if we cannot have fun, then no one can?  Are we so angry that we cannot allow joy in others for the blessings which they share?  Saul, from this time forward, was a miserable man who died a miserable death.  How sad.

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