Saturday, March 16, 2019

God is our Stay

They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the LORD was my stay.” (2Sa 22:19 AV)

The word ‘…prevented…’ here means to confront. A calamity is a distress or burden.  In other words, David is saying that in his toughest time, there were those who added to his distress by confrontation, but the LORD was his stay.  This reminds me of Paul then he pens, “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” (Eph 6:13 AV) There are times when all one can do is not budge.  There is no marching forward.  There is no advancement.  Sometimes all one can do is to stay put and not retreat.  David is very correct here when he states the LORD was his stay.  It is times like these when the LORD become the only source of our staying power.  When things swirl around us and the attacks seem to come from every direction, it is the LORD who is our stay.

Several years ago, I had to have an MRI in preparation for shoulder surgery.  I know there are those who do not do very well under those enclosed conditions.  I will admit, having the wall of the imaging machine inches from my nose was not a good feeling.  The only way I was able to endure was to submit to the experience, knowing there were openings at both ends.  Relaxing and listening to my own breathing was very helpful.  I decided to take a nap because there was nothing else I could really do.  I wasn’t going anywhere.  It would be fine.  The machine cannot collapse on me.  There was no way I would be trapped.  Truth won over fear.  Knowing there were others who were in control of the whole experiment and they were capable and able to meet my concerns alleviated the fear of being in an enclosed space.  Besides, fear was not going to win out!

There are times when all we can do it to hand on.  But that in not a bad thing.  God is there.  He is in control.  Surrendering to the situation as unavoidable realizing the LORD is the midst of the storm is the key.  We may have to deal with the fear.  But we cannot flee.  Stay put!  God is there.  Even when David fled from Saul for seven years, he knew God was there.  When Absalom threatened to end his life and steal the throne, God was there.  Even when Goliath bore down on him, God was there.  If there was one thing David did well was to lean on the strength of the LORD had stand his ground!

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