Sunday, March 17, 2019

Timing Is Everything

So Solomon thrust out Abiathar from being priest unto the LORD; that he might fulfil the word of the LORD, which he spake concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh.” (1Ki 2:27 AV)

Abiathar was Eli’s great grandson.  According to prophecy, the office of High Priest was to depart from the house of Ithimar of whom Eli was a descendent.  Thus, Abiathar was not supposed to serve as high priest in the reign of David.  Perhaps David was unaware of this obscure prophecy, or, more than likely David felt guilty at the slaying of all the priests at Nob that he made Abiathar high priest.  Abiathar was the only survivor of that slaughter.  David felt personally responsible at that slaughter because he saw Doeg the Edomite there.  Doeg was Saul’s personal cattleman.  He reported back to Saul when he witnessed the events at Nob.  The assistance the priests at Nob afforded David cost them their lives.  Thus, David made Abiathar priest in his kingdom.  By the text above, it is apparent Solomon knew Abiathar was not to be high priest because of the actions of his great-grandfather.  But here is the application:  sometimes we must wait for the right circumstances to apply the word of God.

There are times when God relaxes His word to the point that He delays the execution of it.  One remembers the men of Israel delayed by a month in observing the Passover because they were not separated to that occasion.  At another time, Hezekiah pleads for the right of the heathen to observe the Passover before they were fully proselytized into the nation.  Solomon waited until the right circumstances arose before he was used as an instrument to fulfill this prophecy regarding the house of Eli.  He waited until, by his actions, Abiathar disqualified himself.  Solomon did not rush in there and replace Abiathar.  Nor did he require of his father, David, to fulfill the prophecy be removing Abiathar as well.  His actions showed the great wisdom that he divinely possessed.  In doing as he did, he respected his father’s reputation and also gave reason for the prophecy on ethical grounds.  Not merely his own wishes.

The point is this.  Sometimes we are in too much of a hurry to apply the word of God in every circumstance.  The better part of valor might be to ask the LORD for wisdom for the right timing and circumstances to apply the word of God so that it is well received by all who would observe it.  If we do not wait until the right set of circumstances, we may miss out on teaching others the principles of God’s word and only making it about rules and regulations.

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