Friday, March 8, 2019

Have More Faith for the Faithless

And he said unto him, Fear not: for the hand of Saul my father shall not find thee; and thou shalt be king over Israel, and I shall be next unto thee; and that also Saul my father knoweth.” (1Sa 23:17 AV)

Jonathan had more faith and optimism than David.  He wasn’t exactly right, but the promise was true nonetheless.  Saul would find David.  Several times.  Jonathan would not be next to David because Jonathan would die in battle with his father.  But the overall optimism was still true.  Saul would not kill David and Jonathan’s son would be in the company of David his entire ministry.  It is good to have a friend who is optimistic.  Even if his predictions of specifics will not come to pass, he has the optimism to know the God of all grace is still on the throne and that in the end, it will all work out.

We are one of two people in a relationship like this.  We are sometimes the encourager, and sometimes in need of encouragement.  It is wonderful to have a friend like this.  I have a good friend who seems to be one or the other at the opposite time I am the other.  When he needs encouragement, the LORD has put me in a place of gratitude so that I can encourage him.  When I am in need of being uplifted, he knows what to say and how to say it.  We are either ‘the glass is half full’ kind of person or ‘the glass is half empty’ kind of person.  We are either pessimistic or optimistic.  Sometimes, we can be predominately one or the other.  Yet we are almost never entirely one to the exclusion of the other.

It is beyond a blessing to have a Jonathan.  It is a necessity.  Jonathan is one of my favorite men of the Bible.  He had tremendous class.  He was the grown-up in the room.  He had more faith and optimism than David.  And definitely more maturity than his own father.  He knew his place and was not hesitant to sacrifice his life for the good of the nation and the glory of God.  Jonathan was there when his friend needed it.  He came to David.  David didn’t have to search him out.  Jonathan knew his friend was having a time and took the initiative to encourage his friend.  Personally, I believe David would not have been able to make it, at least emotionally and spiritually, without his brother-in-law Jonathan.  There are more rewards for Jonathan that meets the eye.  It was his personality and faith that saved a nation.  He didn’t have to sit on a throne to be used of God in ways that others would never match.  Who knows, the preacher or friend you encourage could be used to change your world and you would have had more of an impact than the one whom you are encouraging just by your faith and optimism.

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