Tuesday, March 12, 2019

For The People's Sake

And David perceived that the LORD had established him king over Israel, and that he had exalted his kingdom for his people Israel’s sake.” (2Sa 5:12 AV)

It is important to remember that God gives the increase for the sake of the people and not for the leader whom God is using.  The purpose for exalting the kingdom was not for the king.  It was for the people’s sake.  David had every reason to fall to the temptation of a leader’s ego.  He was the first successful leader since Moses and Joshua.  Since that time, there was one failed leader after another.  The leadership of the book of Judges was limited.  There were little military conquests after Joshua’s death.  At best, the judges maintained the status quo and rescued Israel from time to time.  But there were no real victories.  Saul was a bust.  Now comes a king who would walk after God’s own heart.  And, God was blessing Israel because of it. David had every reason to believe the kingdom was increased because and for his own ambition.  But this is not so.  It was increased that the people of God might benefit from it.

I have had the privilege of serving in all sorts of ministries under all sorts of leaders.  I have also had the privilege of being an observer of many other ministries that were above average in numbers and impact.  It is obvious to the casual observer what motivates the leader whom God is using.  It is easy to note when a larger church is driven by ministry opportunity compared to those driven by shear numbers or influence.  It comes across in how they relate towards those to whom they are ministering and those on the outside looking in.  It is not very difficult to discern when a ministry is all about itself verse all about the opportunity to help others along their walk of faith with the LORD.  Those who are more interested in size and influence often are long-sighted to the exclusion of the details needed to build a healthy work.  The details of ministry are not as important as the larger vision.  One the other hand, the ministry that is interested in the health of the individual will focus its energy on ministry that assists in growing the sheep from the individual outward.

I have had several pastors along my decades of experience.  Many of whom pastored me through my years of ministry preparation.  Most of them had one thing in common.  They were far more interested in preparing me for service and sending me out than trying to keep me so that I could help them build their kingdom.  One in particular made it a point to expose me to opportunity and training pointing me to the door.  He didn’t want me to stay.  He wanted me to go and he considered it a privilege at being a part of my life that would result in service to the LORD.  This is a pastor who realizes the increase of the kingdom is for the sake of God’s people and not his own ego.  This is the foundation of a true godly leader.  A character trait all of God’s men should strive for.

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