Friday, January 11, 2019

Unresolved Guilt Skews Blessings

And he said unto his brethren, My money is restored; and, lo, it is even in my sack: and their heart failed them, and they were afraid, saying one to another, What is this that God hath done unto us?” (Ge 42:28 AV)

The study of Joseph and his eleven brothers is a study of unresolved guilt.  They manner in which Joseph manipulates his brothers into a corner that forces them to confront their unresolved guilt is masterful.  One might get the idea that Joseph is just toying with them.  But his is not.  In fact, numerous times these ten brothers would have “gotten it” if they just stopped to think about it for a minute.  One thing about unresolved guilt is that we see even grace as a judgment from God.  These ten men could not see that Joseph was good to them.  They saw it as manipulation.  They did not see it as a kindness.  Unresolved guilt can even turn a blessing into a curse.

The problem with these ten men was they felt guilt over Joseph and have been living with it for thirteen years.  A bit earlier, when relaying the predicament to his father, Reuben admitted to their unresolved guilt.  In Genesis chapter forty-two and in verses twenty-one and twenty-two, the brothers are conversing, trying to come up with a solution.  Reuben clearly blames their former conduct for their present circumstances.  Which begs the question, how often did they consider unfavorable conditions as result of God’s judgment for selling Joseph?  It must have been torment.  Joseph, being as wise as he was, clearly understood this.  So, he used a tool from the LORD’s workings and decides to show mercy, knowing it would only add more shame.

When we harbor unconfessed sin or the guilt that goes with that sin, we cannot enjoy life no matter how much of God’s blessings rain upon us.  The ten men got free provision.  They didn’t see it that way.  Clearly, if they thought about it, the Egyptians had to have put it back into their bags.  Yet, they saw it as a tactical advantage which Joseph would have to condemn them.  The best thing is to resolve unconfessed sin and deal with the guilt so that when God does open the windows of heaven, we can enjoy it.

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