Sunday, January 6, 2019

Not Abandoned

And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of my master Abraham, who hath not left destitute my master of his mercy and his truth: I being in the way, the LORD led me to the house of my master’s brethren.” (Ge 24:27 AV)

There are times when we wonder just how engaged the LORD is in the matters of our lives.  We know He is there.  We know He cares.  But just how involved is He in those things that are near and dear to our hearts?  That which the Spirit reminds us of this morning is found in the word ‘destitute’.  This word means abandoned.  When we see someone whom we say is destitute, we are not saying they are lonely.  We are saying they have been abandoned by all opportunity to secure the things needed for life.  They are destitute of clothing, food, or common comforts.  They have been abandoned by life itself.  According the prayer of Abraham’s servant, he states the obvious.  Abraham, and by extension Isaac, has not been abandoned by the mercy and truth of God.

Trying to draw a comparison in my own life is impossible.  At no time have I ever been destitute.  At least of the physical needs of life.  There was a time, spiritually speaking, that I was destitute of the grace of God.  That was only so because there was no repentance from sin and request that Christ save me.  I was lost.  I was destitute of the mercy and truth of God.  Then, on March 28th, 1982, the LORD rectified my destitute condition.  On that glorious Sunday morning, Jesus Christ shined His grace and mercy upon my sin-sick soul and saved me from myself and hell.  What a wonder that is and was.  Since then, Abraham’s servant and I can walk in agreement.  There has never been a time when the LORD has left me destitute of His mercy and truth.

However, one cannot be honest is he doesn’t admit there were and are times when this promise is cast into some doubt.  Even if that doubt is fleeting, it still comes around from time to time.  We are human.  And because we are, we have a tendency to live in the moment.  We tend to forget the greater truths of walking with God when things become stressful and worrisome.  We tend to forget the foundations of our faith that have led us thus far.  The Spirit pleads with our hearts of anxiety not to forget that the God that has brought us thus far will lead us still on.  Abraham’s servant is exactly right.  We have never been destitute of the mercy and truth of God.  It is always there.  It never goes anywhere.  All we need to do is have the faith it is still present and simply ask for it.

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