Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Standard is Still the Same

When a ruler hath sinned, and done somewhat through ignorance against any of the commandments of the LORD his God concerning things which should not be done, and is guilty; Or if his sin, wherein he hath sinned, come to his knowledge; he shall bring his offering, a kid of the goats, a male without blemish:” (Le 4:22-23 AV)

A bit later, the same standard is set for the common person and the priest.  No matter who you were or what you’ve done, the standard is always the same.  A kid of the goats was offered for one’s sin.  There is no private interpretation.  No room for debate.  There is no exclusion because something different was offered in deep sincerity.  There was no exception to the rule base on stature of means.  If anyone and all needed redemption from sin, it was one kid of the goats.  In fact, the entire Old Testament law was written the same.  Except for additional requirements of the priests, all citizens were to obey the law regardless of situation of personal preference.  It mattered not how one felt about anything.  The law was final and absolute.  A standard that cannot be broken.

So, too, is the law of righteousness and salvation today.  There are so many differences in what professing Christians believe that it is hard to keep track anymore.  In a Sunday school class I taught many years ago, a point to this fact was made on a regular bases.  For different reasons it was pointed out that interpretation or application of the word of God varied greatly among those professing Christ.  Sometimes it was with the context of the impossibility of convincing others of truth.  Other times, it was a convenient excuse to believe what one chooses to believe.  Just because there are countless denominational leanings does not validate those leanings.  There is a right way and a wrong way.  Period.

This is particularly true of salvation.  There is only one way.  It is the same for everyone.  Repentance of sin and faith in the blood of Christ is the only means to salvation.  One must acknowledge what he is and what he deserved, motivating him to call out to Jesus, and only Jesus, for salvation.  It doesn’t matter how rich or poor, how educated or simple, how old or young.  There are no exceptions.  Salvation is much like the offering of the Old Testament.  A kid of the goats.  For everyone.  No end around.  Sincerity in falsehood is still falsehood.  It is not how one feels about it.  It is not what one is determined to believe.  Salvation is the same for all.  The rules do not change because we want them to.  God standard is absolute and is eternal.  My advice is to repent and believe.  It is the only way.

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