Saturday, January 19, 2019

Our Personal Angle

Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him.” (Ex 23:20-21 AV)

These two verses are obviously prophetical in the sense they point to the coming of the LORD Jesus Christ.  Verse twenty-one warns against provoking the LORD.  This is the same Christ whom the contemporary crowd only wishes to see as the Christ of the gospels and unforgiving towards those who provoke him.  This is the case!  Christ will not tolerate those who provoke Him.  He offered Himself freely on the cross of Calvary that we might all be forgiven and enjoy eternal life.  Those who refuse, doing disrespect unto the free gift of salvation provide by His grace and sacrifice, will not be forgiven.  He will not be provoked!

Having said that, we really want to meditate on verse twenty.  The promise that God will be with those who trust in Him to both keep them and guide them well into eternity is a precious one.  A promise we are quick to forget when things are tough.  There are so many companion verses that go with verse twenty that it is difficult to pick just a few.  The later part of the verse reminds me of our LORD’s words in John chapter 14.  He goes to prepare a place for us.  These words are words we need to memorize and live in every moment of every hour.

The maturing process is interesting.  In our younger years, when crisis enters, we lack the patience and faith to respond biblically.  We panic.  We are filled with anxiety.  God intervenes and we can relax.  After years of this exposure to trouble and God’s hand, we learn to temper the reaction with faith and hope.  There is still anxiety, but there is faith which makes it much easier to bear.  But, as one gets into their elder years, faith is so firm there is no anxiety.  We learn to take life as it comes and that no matter what may come, God is there and will see us through it.  We don’t look for trouble.  When it comes, it is seen as normal.  We thank God for His presence and the patience and faith to see the end from the beginning.  Decisions come easier.  Learning to leave in the hand of God what we cannot control becomes almost instinctive.  This helps us to live life in the blessings of the moment.  The Angle came at Calvary.  For me, He came almost 37 years ago.  He has always been there.  He will never leave nor forsake.  He will guide me to the place which He has promised is prepared for me!  Bless God.

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