Monday, January 7, 2019

God Provides for Obedience and Faith

And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, So that I come again to my father’s house in peace; then shall the LORD be my God: And this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God’s house: and of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee.” (Ge 28:20-22 AV)

God will never ask us to take a step of faith or require of us obedience without providing the means to do so.  The above vow of Jacob is based on that truth.  On the face of it, the vow may seem selfish.  But it is not.  It may seem as though Jacob is making a deal for his obedience.  But he is not.  It may seem as though the father of the nation of Israel is putting a condition upon his faith.  But he is not. What Jacob is saying is his obedience and faith is predicated upon the faithfulness of God.  Because God will honor His promises, he will trust the LORD as He provides.  He will walk with God because God would never expect him to step in faith and walk in obedience where He hasn’t already made plans to provide for that obedience.

When we read of the treatment of Israel by the Egyptians, we see a stark contrast between God’s benevolence and the world’s cruelty.  Pharaoh demanded they increase the output of production.  Then, he withheld straw and required they find their own material for the making of bricks.  God doesn’t do this.  He provides the means necessary for obedience and faith before requiring either from us.  Note very carefully for what Jacob is asking.  He is not asking for a guarantee and provision for the entire trip all at once.  He is asking for the faithfulness of God to stay with him while he is in the way.  In other words, he is asking for God’s provision along the way.  Not all at once and ahead of the way.

Some think that the LORD is unkind and uncaring.  They see adversity as God’s way of playing with us.  But He is not.  Sometimes, adversity is exactly what we need.  No one can learn endurance without resistance.  Others accuse God of making faith and obedience harder than they can bear.  That is only because their eyes are too far forward.  Obey and trust for the day while in the way.  Not for where that way might lead.  God is not cruel.  God is merciful.

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