Saturday, January 5, 2019

Live Right in Private, Be judged in Public

And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door.” (Ge 19:9 AV)

We need to pay close attention to this passage because these days are coming, if not already here, in our great nation.  Note carefully the details of this encounter.  Two men of God came under the roof of Lot’s house.  The homosexual men of the village came to the door of Lot’s house and demanded he send out the angles so they could have abominable physical relationships with the angles.  Lot refused.  Lot offered his own two daughters as vessels for their lust.  This was not good enough for them.  They lusted after the angles in a perverse and immoral manner.  Now, read carefully and understand of what the sodomites accuse Lot.  Because Lot refused to allow their wickedness to infect his own house, they accuse Lot of being judgmental.  Nowhere does Lot condemn their lifestyle.  Although he would have been justified in doing so.  The only thing he did was disallow them access to his house for their lust.  They see this as a judgment upon their sin.  They are right, in a manner of speaking. This is a serious warning to our present culture.

Let me first say that Christ died for the homosexual just as much as He did for the monogamous individual.  Just because someone claims homosexuality does not, on its face, mean he or she is the worst of the worst.  There are many sins referred to as an abomination.  We all need to repent of our sin and trust Christ.  Whether it is homosexuality, or the many other acts God calls and abomination.  Having said that, it is noteworthy that the same-gender crowd has changed.  It went from a private sin to a very public one.  We do not see habitual liars organizing themselves for equal rights.  We do not see drunkards organizing and demonstrating for the purpose of their behavior being normalized and accepted.  We do not see the drug addicts demanding they allow powerful drugs into the schools and homes of those who wish not to participate and force them to accept this life as entitled.  In Lot’s case, the homosexual crowd demanded their lust be allowed into his home and inflicted upon those under his care.

We would assume this would never happen in our own country.  But it is already happened.  Homosexuality is being forced upon our children in their classrooms.  We have invited them into our homes by way of entertainment.  The last place they will force their lust to be normalized is the church.  There will come a day wherein corrupt laws of non-discrimination will enter the house of God.  It will first show itself in the form of revoking our tax-exempt status.  Then it will show itself in the form of criminalizing the refusal to officiate all marriages regardless of type.  It will eventually end with the bible doctrine of marriage being a form of hate speech.  It will come.  We need to pray for the strength to stand no matter the consequences.  They see us as a judge.  Even if we state our position in private, we will still be seen as judgmental.

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