Saturday, August 26, 2017

Preaching By A 25 Watt Bulb Doesn't Work

“The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up. From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Mt 4:16-17 AV)

Unless there is light beforehand, preaching the gospel message is ineffective.  Before the LORD preached on the gospel, He went to a part of His nation that sat in great spiritual darkness.  The distinction between the darkness they were in and His light to them through ministry and holiness was the foundation of His preaching.  Too many today diminish holiness and separation as prerequisites for preaching and then wonder why not many come to Christ.  There must be a distinction in order for the gospel to be relevant.

Have you ever noticed when a product is sold, there is usually a comparison of before and after?  A few years back, I went to a state fair.  I was having pretty serious shoulder problems then, and someone at a both was selling this special formula of ointment that was supposed to work better than anything else on the market.  I volunteered to be a guinea pig.  The sales lady rubbed down one shoulder with plain baby oil.  The other really bad shoulder she rubbed down with her product.  It was a contrastingly remarkable difference.  I could tell immediately what she was selling was far better than what I had been using.  But she couldn’t sell what she had unless she made a comparison against what was available.  This is why our light matters just as much, if not more, than the message of the gospel!

If having a testimony is was important to the Son of God, it should be even more important to us!  If holiness and a bright light was the foundation of the message for a perfect and sinless God, then for us as sinners it is even more important!  How we begin to think that we can live like the world, or half in the world, and be effective in trying to reach the world is beyond me!  Holiness must be a part of our message.  Our light is important!  We cannot preach by a dim flashlight!

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