Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Go Your Way

“But go thou thy way till the end [be]: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.” (Da 12:13 AV)

Knowledge of the future does not suspend responsibilities of the present.  Daniel knew what the end would be like.  He knew what nations would do what.  He saw the coming of Christ as a certain and foregone conclusion.  Nothing was going to stop the dispensational march into eternity.  Daniel saw the promises to Israel fulfilled.  He saw the conclusion of all iniquity.  He knew how uncertain the times would seem to those going through it.  He saw the temporary rise of the Devil and his AntiChrist only to see them cast into eternal hell fire.  He saw it all.  He knew what the end would be.  But he still had to go his way.

The closer we get to the end times, the more we are tempted to coast.  The more the world rejects Jesus Christ, the more we tend to sit back and wait out the clock.  But there is still a way to go.  There is still a life to live.  There is still a responsibility to preach the gospel.  Noah is a great example.  The flood was a foregone conclusion.  Rejection of God was a certainty.  Why preach?  No one was going to listen!  Why declare what was obvious to him?  No one would heed the warning.  Why endure the heckling?  No amount of effort on his part was going to change one thing.  The ark was going to be built.  Only he and his family would make it.  All others would parish.  So, why did Noah and his sons preach the righteousness of God to a losing proposition?  Because it was their way to go!

I find in the body of Christ a general attitude of apathy.  We are looking at the numbers and are discouraged to the point of idleness.  We don’t care.  It isn’t like it was in the past with sinners coming to Christ in droves.  We are enduring persecution at every turn.  We are giving up on personal ministry getting lazy with programmed and dramatic ministry designed to entice people rather than lead people to Christ.  Now, those things are no longer working.  So, we are no longer going our way.  Our rest is certain and future.  Just like Daniels. But until that time, we have a way we need to be going.

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