Tuesday, August 29, 2017

More Faith To Believe a Lie

“At that time Herod the tetrarch heard of the fame of Jesus, And said unto his servants, This is John the Baptist; he is risen from the dead; and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him.” (Mt 14:1-2 AV)

It takes more faith to believe a lie than it does to believe the truth.  Herod was more willing to believe that someone whom he had beheaded rose from the dead with his head intact than to believe Jesus was the Messiah.  No doubt, he had more faith to believe a head reattached itself and John rose from the dead than Jesus, who would rise from this dead without losing his head would be the son of God.  It takes much more faith to believe a lie than it does the truth!

The world calls us crazy for believing the truth of the word of God.  But who has more faith?  I believe the world was created in six days, only thousands of years ago.  God, according to His word, created all things with preconditioned age.  He created Adam and Eve as fully functional adults.  When a human foot print is found inside of a dinosaur foot print, it was so because they co-existed.  Yet, rebellious man believes they were formed, separated by millions of years, in some miraculous way.  Tremendously inconsistent if one think that lays of sediment containing the fossil record was laid down over millions of years, having a human footprint inside of a dinosaur footprint would be impossible! Design demands a designer.  The origin of information.  The missing link.  The list goes on and on.  The origin of acceptable morals conflicts with the survival of the fittest.  It takes much more faith to believe God does not exist than to accept Him as Spirit, who exists, yet cannot be seen.

How many truths do we reject that would take less faith to believe than the lie we cling to?  The Bible is full of paradoxes.  Like the one we saw yesterday.  The book of Proverbs is full of them.  To have internal riches, one should make himself externally poor.  To gain true love, one must give it away freely.  To gain heaven, one must give up trying to gain it himself and accept it as a free gift.  Without faith, it is impossible to please Him!  But some of us exercise more faith in rebellion against God than exercising faith in obedience to him!

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