Monday, August 21, 2017

Eternal Principles are Present Daily

“The just LORD [is] in the midst thereof; he will not do iniquity: every morning doth he bring his judgment to light, he faileth not; but the unjust knoweth no shame.” (Zep 3:5 AV)

If we cannot see the LORD’s hand, it is not His fault.  Every morning, the LORD reveals His judgments upon the children of men.  Every day the principles of His creation come into play.  It doesn’t matter what devices mankind can invent, the LORD’s master plan still marches on.  It doesn’t matter how many rocket ships man can produce; the law of gravity is still in force.  It doesn’t matter how many cures mankind can concoct, death will eventually come.  The judgments of God are sure. The stand fast.  They are present every moment of every day.  Whether we see them or not, does not affect the reality of their existence.  These judgments are there at the start of every day.  We just have to look for them.

 The physical world around us operates on law that do not change.  Gravity does not change.  Thermodynamics do not change.  Astronomy does not change.  Biology, outside of mutation, does not change.  If the physical world does not change and there are laws by which we order our lives, then there are metaphysical or spiritual principles that do not change as well.  The opposite of consistency is chaos.  The opposite of order is disorder.  Since there is an order to life and creation, then there can be direction and plans.  There can be security and predictability.  In short, God’s creation has certainty to it.  Knowing this, we can also have faith in God’s faithfulness.  As our passage says, “He faileth not.”

Next time we get up early in the morning with anxiety on our hearts, let us remember that God’s judgments are absolute.  They do not appear one day and disappear the next.  What was true yesterday is true today and will be true tomorrow.  God never fails.  We simply need to open our eyes and ask the LORD to reveal to us His eternal and faithful hand!

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