Monday, July 17, 2017

Who Will Be Heard?

“The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What [is] the chaff to the wheat? saith the LORD.” (Jer 23:28 AV)

The context of this verse is the prevalence of the false prophets.  Jeremiah is lamenting the sheer number of false prophets misleading the people away from repentance.  These false prophets are declaring there is only peace ahead, even though the forces of Babylon are knocking at the door.  These false prophets are the same as today’s positive motivator preachers who only have good news to share even though bad news lays at the door.  The false preachers who refuse to teach and preach on sin, repentance, and consequences.  According to Jeremiah, the fault may lie somewhat at the feet of the true prophet!  So, when the command from the LORD comes that the true prophets of God that have a vision should speak, it is not an encouragement, it is a command.  If they do not, then someone will fill the silence!  The voice of the prophet does not need to be more in quantity, just louder than the opposition!

I have gone to several professional sports games.  The crowds are often deafening.  However, when someone brings one of those little tiny marine airhorns, it over shadows all the crowd noise in the place.  Those little horns are louder than almost anything mankind can produce!  They will blow the cobwebs out of a two-hundred-year-old corpse!  You can hear one of those horns clear across the stadium even with the crowd next to you as loud as they can be!

Where I am from, there are more churches per county than in some states of the union!  No exaggeration.  Some may think that is a good thing.  However, when there are more churches than legitimate, God called, Holy Spirit led, Bible student preachers, there will be churches with preachers who are not called of God or, do not know their Bibles.  Where I am from, it is hard to find anyone who will admit to being lost.  Almost all say they are saved.  Which is simply not the case.  Those who are deceived are religious.  However, since the Holy Spirit does not convict or lead, they are self-willed.  The problem is, they know enough Bible to be dangerous.  What is the solution?  The solution is for the true prophet of God and the true child of God to proclaim the true scriptures louder than those who think all is fine!  We need more bullhorns!   We need louder bullhorns.  We need the truth to out proclaim the prosperity, touchy-feely, nothing but good news gospel!  We need the truth of God’s justice satisfied by God’s grace!  We need the truth of our wickedness met with the depth of God’s mercy!  We need the truth!

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