Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Potentially Perilous Truth

“Then spake Jeremiah unto all the princes and to all the people, saying, The LORD sent me to prophesy against this house and against this city all the words that ye have heard. Therefore now amend your ways and your doings, and obey the voice of the LORD your God; and the LORD will repent him of the evil that he hath pronounced against you. As for me, behold, I [am] in your hand: do with me as seemeth good and meet unto you.” (Jer 26:12-14 AV)

How people choose to react to truth doesn’t change it.  Truth is truth.  If reaction does not change truth, then the prophet should not fear declaring it!  God is not going to change His mind.  He is set to bring Babylon against Judah and bring them into captivity for 70 years.  Regardless of the prophet’s faithfulness to declare it or the people to receive it, if God spoke it, then it will happen.  So, the prophet has a choice.  He will either ignore the reaction of those to whom he is preaching and be a mouthpiece for God, or, he will fear what the people might do and modify the message.  Either way, the truth will continue.  It won’t change one thing.  God’s will still marches on.  If the prophet is obedient, he goes into captivity with the people, yet enjoying some protection.  If he compromises, he is going into captivity without God’s protection. But going into captivity he will.  The challenge is to be this resolute regarding the truth when there is limited protection.

It is one thing to preach, teach a Sunday School class, work in a VBS, or speak of the Bible in the relative safety of the church building.  Quite another to be just as bold at the workplace, in the neighborhood, among lost family, etc.  When Jeremiah spoke these words, the people had gathered around him and the princes and priests had just arrived.  He stood alone.  There was also a false prophet declaring two years would be the maximum of Babylonian captivity.  There as a contrary voice among contrary people.  The integrity and faith of the prophet won the day!  Standing alone, the word of God went forth.

What won the day was not caring what would personally happen to him.  Jeremiah had to see the truth was far more absolute than his own future.  He had to see the absolute value and steadfastness of God’s truth as far more important than his own personal welfare.  We will know where we stand with truth when the opposition gets heavy!  Stand we must!  There really is no other choice!

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