Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Hope From a Humbled Heart

“My soul hath [them] still in remembrance, and is humbled in me. This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.” (La 3:20-21 AV)

Change means hope.  From worse to better is always hope.  Jeremiah, writing on behalf of the nation, is referring to the effect God’s chastening hand has, or will, have on them. That which he is remembering is the heavy cost they paid for their sin.  In particular, the humbling effect this chastening hand had upon those to whom it fell.  Circumstances may or may not change.  But our heart always can.

Over the years, I have dealt with many who struggle with sin.  Particularly a stubborn one which they have fought for a long time.  The belief that salvation would instantaneously free them from all temptation had added to the frustration.  I remember one such fellow who struggle with alcohol.  I truly believe he accepted Christ.  However, at the age of almost sixty, he had been a drunk for forty-five years.  He really had known no other life.  After he accepted Christ, he still struggled against the spirits.  Living within walking distance of four liquor stores, it was easy to see that death would be his only victory.  Some may look on a fella like that and think he never truly accepted Christ.  What they wouldn’t see is his reaction to the hand of God working on his heart.  He was no longer sorry because of consequences of choices alone.  He was sorrier for failure to slay this giant.  He was sorrier that he had failed the LORD and this vice controlled him than he was losing his electric or having no food in the house.  Questions of salvation entered his mind. How could someone who got saved still struggle with booze?  He was humbled at the rebuke of the LORD.  He simply failed to trust the leading of the Spirit to overcome the spirits.

Jeremiah is giving Israel hope.  The same hope that God gives His children today.  Our hope is not in changing circumstances.  Our hope is in changed hearts.  Our hope is not that the captivity will end.  Our hope is that we will no longer be captive to our hearts.  Our hope is not that life will be nothing but blessings.  Rather, our hope is that our hearts are humbled before the great and wonderful God of grace!

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