Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Never Ending Love

“The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, [saying], Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.” (Jer 31:3 AV)

The lovingkindness of God is incomprehensible!  The LORD gives Jeremiah a message of hope and love for the people of Judah who are about to be displaced because of their sin.  Even though the chastening hand of God will be tough, the love of God never ceases.  Even though we deserve the chastening hand of God far more than we receive it, the lovingkindness of God never ceases!  Even though they may have felt rejected and a bit bitter because of their chastening, God still drew them by His love in the midst of their calamity.  When I think of the lovingkindness of God, I realize just how much I do not understand it.

I have three grandchildren.  They are awesome.  Each is unique in their own way and a true blessing of God.  As a grandparent, I think on them and a smile comes to my heart and mind.  They are the best three people on the planet!  But what I am most astounded at is the love their mothers show them.  Particularly when they become impossible.  I have forgotten just how patient and nurturing a mother can be.  I have seen my daughters-in-law deal with their children in the worst of times.  It is none-stop.  One thing after another.  From sickness to tiredness to flat out disobedience, these mothers have to deal with it all.  Just when I think these little angles have gotten on their last nerve and mom will explode, instead I witness the miracle of a mother’s love.  Patience and empathy for an erring child!  It is beyond words.  No voice is raised.  No yelling is heard.  Even in the most trying of times, there is patience, calmness, and a calling of the child in a firm but loving way.  Truly miraculous.

This is to what the LORD is referring.  Even when we are at our worst, the LORD is patient and calls to us that we might be cared for.  Even at our worst, we may receive a spanking, but it is done with love and patience.  This love is everlasting.  It will never change.  No matter what we do our how awful we are to the LORD, His love for us will never, ever, change!

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