Friday, July 7, 2017

Playing In The Dark Is No Fun!

“Hearken unto me, my people; and give ear unto me, O my nation: for a law shall proceed from me, and I will make my judgment to rest for a light of the people.” (Isa 51:4 AV)

The dark can be fun.  There is hide and seek.  One person is put in the dark while the others run and hide.  There are fun houses where scary things jump out at you.  And who hasn’t dreamt up the idea of turning the lights out while playing tag.  That used to be a favorite as a child.  My siblings and I had a few dark places in the house and we would turn the lights out while randomly running around.  It was funny when we would bump into one another and someone was falling on their rear.  It was fun until someone got hurt.  Which is always the case while having fun in the dark.  The dark may be fun for a time, but eventually, the lack of light causes great harm.

One of the scariest times of my life happened at summer camp.  I had stayed rather late in the Mess Hall after all other campers had gone to their tents.  It was pitch black outside and I forget a flashlight. Not even the light of a flickering star.   I didn’t even have any matches.  No means of artificial light of any kind. All campers had gone to bed so there were no artificial lights either.  I had to walk a quarter mile in a blackness that was so thick, I couldn’t even see my hand in front of my face.  I felt along the dirt road, looking for the entrance to my site.  It was so frightening.  I would have given anything for a flashlight! The dark was no fun at all!

God knows this.  So, He has provided the light of His law to guide us through life.  This light is a guide.  A guide that gives to us the greatest source of blessings we can possibly enjoy.  The law is a means in which to glorify the LORD. YES.  But more than that, the law are principles that gives us the maximum amount of enjoyment from life with the least amount of bad consequences.  I am astounded at the immature thinking of a lot of God’s people.  They raise their children with rules and principles of the home designed to keep their children safe while setting them up for success in the future.  All the while, they turn their backs on the laws of God’s word as though God is trying to rob them of life.  They use the same argument their child does.  God knows what is best.  He is the one who created us.  He wants us to enjoy the life He gave!  The law is the means by which we do this!

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