Thursday, July 6, 2017

The Pleasure of Godly Values

“The LORD is well pleased for his righteousness’ sake; he will magnify the law, and make [it] honourable.” (Isa 42:21 AV)

A father can be pleased at many things.  Especially when it concerns his children.  He can be pleased at how healthy they are.  He can be pleased with their personality.  He can be pleased with their accomplishments; their scholastic achievements, their athletic feats, or their success in career.  But there is one thing a godly father is more pleased with than anything else.  He is pleased when his children reflect the values which he has taught them all his life.  Not for ego’s sake.  But because these values are right.  As he sits around the dining room table and just listens to his adult children and their spouses speak of life, he is struck with how much they have learned and how deeply they value the truth of God’s word.  Even if dear old dad may not agree in every minor point, or he has learned himself that he can learn from his own children, righteousness is the currency of joy, pleasure, and satisfaction.

This is the meaning of the verse.  Not that God is some person of egotistical motives that wishes to be right and all others wrong.  Not that He wants, or even needs to be, proven right.  That is why He is well pleased.  He is not well pleased because, in some insignificant way, magnifies Himself at the expense of others.  He rejoices because righteousness and the law are a beautiful thing!  It is perfection!  It is blessing!  It is riches greater than material things.  The reason why righteousness above is a personal possessive is that righteousness and God are one in the same.  God and truth are the same.  Things are righteous because God is righteous.  Things are honorable because God is honorable.  Righteousness is God and God is righteousness.

Which brings us back to our example above.  When those who learn mirror the righteous values of their mentor, it validates his ministry to them.  He has accomplished something.  Even though those values do not belong to him, he is still pleased that these values will live on in one more generation!  When the righteousness of God and the law continue, God is pleased that His creation has internalized what is good and right!  What a thrill!

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