Thursday, July 6, 2017

Plainly Speaking, God Speaks Plainly!

“Come ye near unto me, hear ye this; I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, there [am] I: and now the Lord GOD, and his Spirit, hath sent me.” (Isa 48:16 AV)

Plainly stated, God speaks plainly!  A good friend of mine and former pastor once told me, “God is more infinitely concerned you find His will than you are!”  His point was, when we struggle to determine what the LORD would have us to do, it is not because God is playing a game.  He is not hiding His will on us to torture us.  His will is always plainly before our faces.  It is not the LORD who hides it from us, it is our own heart.

There was this activity we used to do with our teens, years ago.  We would download stereograms.  Stereograms used to be printed in the Sunday comics.   Usually they were a half page on the back of the funnies.  Do you remember?  Hidden is this complex patter of shapes and colors was an object.  The goal of the stereogram was to see the image and in some cases, enter one’s answer for a chance at a prize.  The directions said to place the picture at the tip of your nose.  Then slowly pull the page away from one’s face until an image appears.  The page would get about six inches from your nose and like magic, an image would all of a sudden ‘pop’ out of the page.  It would be in 3D.  The more experienced one got with these stereograms, the more one didn’t have to start with the page at the tip of one’s nose.  The trick was to relax one’s eyes and focus way beyond the six inches.  As though you were looking miles away.  What one had to do is see beyond the most obvious.  The cluttered ‘noise’ of the near.  Look down the road to project what was already there.

This is also true with God’s will and truth. Our perception gets confused with so much noise that is right in front of us.  Emotions like fear and pride keep us from seeing it.  Or, like ignoring the ‘hint’ printed with the stereogram, we do not consider the truth we already know from the word of God and make the answer far more complicated than it needed to be.  The bottom line is, God desire for us to know Him, His will, and His truth.  He is not hiding it from us.  It is our perception that is making it difficult to see.

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