Monday, January 1, 2024

Grateful For a Creator God

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” (Ge 1:1 AV)

 I am so glad God decided to create!  There would be no existence without God creating.  There would be no planets, stars, or moonlight.  There would be no creatures on the face of the planet that do very wonderful and strange things.  There would be no experiences of life; good, bad, or indifferent.  There would be no life.  No eternity.  There would be nothing.  Not one soul for God to love and know.  Not one soul for whom the Son would die.  If God did not create, there would simply be nothing but God.  There would be no expression of His person.  No emotional manifestation of who and what He is poured out on those whom He created.  There is a special bond between the creator and the creation.  One that is intimate and personal.  Without creation, the LORD would not have this unique bond with any of us.  Praise the LORD He decided to create.

I took art classes throughout High School.  We did all sorts of projects.  I also liked tinkering in the basement with my Dad’s tools.  Working with my hands to create was easier than with words or other means of self-expression.  There were a few projects I fondly remember.  One such project was a sight for my recurve bow.  I wanted to make an accurate sight without having to use a range finder or pace off a distance to know how far any given shot was.  So, I sat and thought about it for a while.  I thought and I thought.  Then I realized two constants never change.  There is gravity and the perception of size.  The arrow will fall at a predetermined rate no matter the weight of the arrow.  Second, any given object will appear smaller at a constant rate the further you are from that object.  From there, it was simple math.  I took a small piece of plexiglass and etched an inverted open triangle on the glass.  The points of intersection were marked off at five-yard intervals by holding a ruler to a nine-inch plate taped to the wall.  The farther I got from the plate, the smaller it appeared.  Knowing my arrow would drop so many inches per yard dictated how high of a triangle I etched.  When I mounted it and tried it out, I shot an arrow into an arrow.  All I needed to do was rest that plate inside the triangle and it didn’t matter how far I was, I didn’t need to know the distance and I hit a bullseye every time.

I treasured that sight.  I was proud of it.  But more importantly, it was an expression of myself and those I had an emotional connection to it as well.  What I had created became something I highly valued.  So, I am so grateful God chose to create.  In creating each and every one of us, He manifests His love for us and expresses the desire to redeem us from our sin.  What makes this even more remarkable is God choosing to create with the foreknowledge we would hate Him and reject Him.  He created human souls that would want nothing to do with Him.  The vast majority, too.  But that did not discourage God from making me.  It did not discourage Him from creating you.  He did so despite the multitude of rejection, rebellion, and hatred He would experience.  God felt that even though the sea of humanity would be repulsed by His existence, there would be a remnant who would love Him and know Him.  Thus, He created.  And, He created you!

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