Wednesday, January 3, 2024

A Little Comment From God

“I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.” (Ge 9:13 AV)

Have you ever looked at a rainbow in the sky and thought the LORD was looking through that rainbow right at you?  Rainbows can occur anywhere on the planet where rain, snow, or any moisture might fall.  A rainbow can be seen for hundreds of miles.  Rainbows can occur multiple times all over the planet.  There is virtually no habitable place on Earth where a rainbow can or does form.  Every time one appears, it is a reminder between God and mankind that He will no longer destroy man from off the planet.  A rainbow is the symbol of God’s mercy.  Today, the rainbow is used for those who flaunt their rebellion and perversion.  I wonder how God feels about that?  But, I digress.  The thought occurred to me this morning of how faithful God is and how personal He is.  He didn’t need to put a rainbow in the sky.  His written word would have been sufficient.  But that rainbow is God’s voice of mercy on the entire human race.  A promise He will never go back on.

God does things He doesn’t have to do but does so for our blessing and benefit.  Some things are little things.  Some things are very large and are often considered miracles.  Something simple like a first-place parking spot when my cancer-inflicted wife is not feeling particularly well that day.  To some, that may seem like a small thing.  But to us, that simple parking space is a God-thing.  Finding an ingredient on the shelf when it shouldn’t be there happened to us last week.  My wife was shopping for her secret Santa co-worker and she has a very specific diet.  Her favorite snack is very rare indeed.  We went to our local grocers and almost gave up looking for this snack when low-and-behold, there was one bag left on the shelf in an area it should not have been in.  There was no label on the shelf to indicate that was where it belonged.  In fact, there were no labels anywhere for that particular product.  It was as if there was only one bag of this item left and there it was, on the shelf as we walked by.  God didn’t have to do that.  We would have been just as content as if we could never find this snack anywhere.  Then there are big things like Lisa’s recovery from surgery.  Not only was her recovery a miracle, but the speed at which it happened was as well.  She was down for about six weeks but then right back to life.  That should not have happened.  As extensive as that surgery was, she should have convalesced for at least three to six months.  It was a miracle!

Going back to the rainbow.  Yes, the written word of God is the closest we will ever get to the audible voice of God.  The Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts as we read His word.  His word speaks loudly as we internalize the truths contained therein.  In fact, trying to walk with God without reading His word daily is a fool’s errand.  It will never happen.  The written word of God is the source God has left us by which He communes with us.  The written word is God’s manifestation of Himself to mankind.  It is personal.  It is powerful.  Outside of His audible voice, we have no other need for communication with the God who created and saved us.  But then there is the rainbow.  And countless other ways He uses to speak to us.  None are as authoritative as the written word, mind you.  But they are a manifestation of Himself to us.  So, every time we see a rainbow, that is God’s voice of mercy toward those whom He created and for whom His Son died.  It really is too bad the sodomites have ruined the message of the rainbow.  It is meant as a message of mercy which would hopefully turn the lost soul to Christ.  That is the purpose of it.  It is God’s mercy-message written in the sky for those who desperately need that mercy.

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