Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Devise Means For Obedience

“And it came to pass, that on the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread, two omers for one man: and all the rulers of the congregation came and told Moses.” (Ex 16:22 AV)

 This verse goes back to verses four and five of the same chapter.  The LORD told them to collect twice as much on the sixth day.  However, in those two verses, God does not reference the sabbath and the reason.  It may have been inferred.  But it was not directly referenced.  This means they had an understanding of the Sabbath before the law regarding it was given.  The LORD gave them instruction without giving them the full reason for it.  The obedient did so because they desired to be obedient.  What is interesting is the elders could not connect the dots.  They thought they were catching people in disobedience when in reality, they were catching people preparing for obedience.  Those who wish to walk with God in obedience will obey regardless of how much information they have.  Motives or consequences for obedience do not matter.  Those are perks.  Obedience is the desire.  Those who wish to walk in obedience will devise biblical means by which they may walk that way.

In our nature, we tend to look for reasons not to be obedient.  If there are obstacles in the way or if obedience is inconvenient, we tend to avoid it, blaming circumstances rather than blaming Self.  If the LORD tells us to do something and it seems impossible to do, we give up too easily.  We know it is the LORD’s day, but one of our children is sick.  The whole family stays home.  It is too far from church so we will stay at home and watch on YouTube.  We are told to tithe, but the car needs attention.  We are instructed to share the gospel with others, but we assume it will not be taken well and the effort is not worth the risk.  We are told to read our bibles and pray every day, but the things of life get in the way.  The children need breakfast, the dog needs to go out, or there are things to tend to or our household cannot function.  The list goes on and on.  We are told to watch what we watch, but we cannot avoid the immodest commercials amid the game.  After all, we are not there for the commercials.  There are instructions implied in the word of God.  They may not be direct commands, but they are implied.  God does this to see if we will work it out and follow His implied instructions before He must tell us directly what His command might be.

Recently, some in my congregation made a choice that I suggested wasn’t the wisest of choices.  They chose to do something that would be very hard to undo.  I didn’t tell them they couldn’t do it.  What I did say is their ambition may get the better of them and to complete the project may take more than they were willing to do.  Sure enough, after they had made that choice, they didn’t want to undo it.  It was far too great a task.  However, as their pastor, I required it of them.  The point was simple.  Sometimes we simply need to trust the guidance of those who lead us without them having to demand it of them.  This is what God was doing with Israel.  God gave them manna to prove them.  Not to provide for them.  He put in place circumstances that would test their resolve to obey.  Most did.  Some did not.  The obedient will find a way.  They will trust the LORD and obey without being directly told so.  This should be the heart of every child of God.

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