Monday, January 29, 2024

Don't You Forget It

“The LORD sitteth upon the flood; yea, the LORD sitteth King for ever.” (Ps 29:10 AV)

Sometimes we doubt this.  Or, at the very least, do not accept it by faith in the strongest terms possible.  God reigns supreme.  He is the King of kings and LORD of lords.  He is sovereign and nothing is too hard for Him.  He created all things and interacts with all things.  By Him, all things consist.  When our life seems out of control, we wonder how much our King is in charge.  When we are at the end of our rope, we wonder if God still reigns.  If it seems like our enemies have the upper hand, we wonder if God still cares.  When we receive that bad news, we begin to think perhaps the LORD isn’t as active as the word of God would lead us to believe.  He is!  He is the King of kings forever.  This understanding is not from the point of the writing of this psalm forward.  Rather, from eternity past to eternity future, God is King forever!  That is the understanding. 

Last week I watched a new YouTube channel.  Expedition Bible is a channel that explores archeological evidence in support of the Biblical record.  One of the last videos I watched concerned the city of Nineveh.  That would be the Nineveh of Jonah's fame.  The host used an aerial view of the ruins of the city walls.  As ancient cities went, these walls were massive.  The account of Jonah states it took Jonah three days to traverse the entire city.  Yet, if one looks at the current ruins, one could go from one end to the other in a fraction of the time.  However, the host made a few observations.  First, if Jonah made a direct line without diverting to cover every residential street, then yes, it would take only a fraction of the time stated in the book of Jonah.  However, the host overlaid a depiction of what the city might have looked like including residences located at the time.  Then he made the statement the current ruins were only of the inner city.  Nineveh included an outer city and suburbs that would have gone for miles.  That being the case, if Jonah were to preach to the entire city including all the side streets, outer city, and suburbs, it would have taken at least three days.  Then a thought occurred to me.  Since Nineveh did not have modern methods of interaction, one would wonder just how aware someone living in the outer city or suburb would be of the king’s influence over them.  It would not be equivalent to those living closest to the palace.  They might have been aware of the king’s reign, but perhaps not as much as they could have been had circumstances been different.

We see God by faith.  We see His work through the eyes of the word of God and believe that God does work.  Our car needed new tires badly.  We made the appointment and then made arrangements to pay for them in a less-than-ideal way.  However, the Sunday before the LORD provided the means to pay for it without my knowledge.  I had made the appointment by faith, but God met the need without me knowing this.  God does these things.  It is of the LORD that we have what we need.  It is of the LORD things work out the way they do.  Just like those living on the outskirts of Nineveh, we can forget God still sits on His throne.  We have words that describe the presence of God.  We must see Him with the mind of faith.  One day, very soon, we will see Him face to face and all doubt will be erased.  He sits, still on the throne of heaven, reigning over all He has created even though we cannot always see Him.  He is there.  King forever!

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