Wednesday, January 10, 2024

God's Favor

“And when the LORD saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb: but Rachel was barren.” (Ge 29:31 AV)

I thought this was a very special moment between God and Leah.  Leah was in a position not of her own making.  Jacob had labored for Laban for seven years.  At the end of seven years, he was supposed to take Rachel as his wife.  Laban sent Leah to Jacob’s tent because the custom of the people demanded the eldest unmarried daughter marry first.  The next morning, Jacob awoke to find Leah at his side and not Rachel.  This was not Leah’s doing.  She had no choice in the matter.  She was to be given regardless of how she felt.  Yet, Leah took it well.  After one week, Rachel also became a wife to Jacob. Jacob loved Rachel far and above Leah.  And this is where we find our passage.  God took pity on Leah’s condition.  She did not deserve to be disliked as she was.  She was in a situation not of her own making so the LORD blessed her that the love of her husband might grow.  God knows how to fix things that are not of our own making.  He knows how to turn our situation in our favor when we are not the ones who put us in it.  God takes tender mercy on those who have been asked to bear a burden that I unfair and not necessary.

As a teacher in a Christian school, I had those students I preferred over others.  This is natural.  Those students who really take to the subject matter that is dear to your heart and who work extra hard to earn your favor are hard to ignore.  But the thing is, the classroom is filled with gems waiting to be polished and honed.  The one who you might think would not succeed becomes your star pupil.  You just never know.  I held a debate as a class project.  One year, I had this young lady who was terrified of speaking in public.  She never asked questions.  She never answered questions.  She never participated in classroom discussions.  So, asking her to participate in the debate was hugely difficult for her.  When the day came and her argument was due, she froze.  She didn’t make a sound.  Worse yet, she had a tear welling up in her eye.  So, I got down on my knees right in front of her.  I made her block out everyone else in the room and only addressed me.  We had a conversation.  That was her presentation.  She made her points and she was really good!  But who would have ever thought she could be such a learned student?  She was smart and articulate.  All she needed was someone who loved her enough to help her through one of her deepest fears.  All she needed was for someone else to have the confidence she needed and she was immediately a popular person in her class.

God does that for us.  Not all the time.  There are no promises.  Persecution and trials of faith are part of being a believer.  The difference is purpose.  Leah had a purpose.  Her purpose was to bear children for the furtherance of the promises made to Abraham and Isaac.  That would be a bit difficult if her husband preferred her sister over her.  There has to be a relationship to bear children.  So, the LORD showed compassion on her because He felt pity for her.  He also shed compassion on her because she had a job to do.  The preference Jacob had for Rachel meant far more than simple companionship.  It was her purpose.  If she is not liked by her husband, she will never be the mother of his children.  God is good!  He is good, all the time!  God took pity on Leah.  The one with tender eyes.  The one who was far more mature and probably more spiritual than her sister.  Rachel threw a fit at Jacob because she was childish.  Rachel was the one who sold Jacob to Leah for mandrakes.  Rachel was the most beautiful and popular one.  Leah was the simple and submissive one. She was the one who trusted the LORD.  She was the one who desired to fulfill her calling and love her husband.  Because of her heart and her situation, God was good to her.  And He is often more good to us than we deserve.

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