Saturday, May 13, 2023

The Promise of Righteousness

Righteousness shall go before him; and shall set us in the way of his steps.” (Ps 85:13 AV)

Psalm eighty-five is a very encouraging one.  The writer reminisces of God’s relationship with Israel as one that has its ebbs and flows.  Mostly, he is recollecting Israel’s failures and God’s mercy.  The psalm ends with the above truth.  As much as God’s people fail Him, He will set their feet in the way of righteousness.  There is coming a day for the nation of Israel when they will no longer wander from the holiness of God.  There is coming a day when the Son of God will descend with a shout.  He will rescue redeemed Israel from the power of Satan and set up His kingdom as a kingdom of righteousness and holiness.  From that time forward, Israel will walk in the ways of the LORD.  This is a promise.  What is true for Israel is true for all the redeemed.  God will set our feet in the way of righteousness.  There is coming a day when we no longer will have to battle the flesh.  There is coming a day when we shall be transformed completely into the image of Jesus Christ, incapable of sin ever again.  What a day that will be!  The best news is, we don’t have to wait for eternity to begin that process.  If God goes before us, then our steps will be set in the ways of righteousness.  It all depends on who or what we follow.

The woods look very different from winter to summer.  When the leaves fall and the foliage disappears, the woods are much easier to navigate.  The woodsman can see things like terrain and larger landmarks such as large trees or boulders.  But when spring comes and the woods fill in, those waymarks are no longer visible.  It is in those times when an experienced guide is essential.  Many times I have gone into the woods while another leads the way. Whether it was my father who know the woods rather well, or my father-in-law who grew up in the woods, placing my feet where his feet had already trod meant I would get to where we were going and get there safely.  One of the rules for entering the woods during deer season was to limit the use of flashlights.  The lead always used one.  Those who were behind simply put their feet on the track left behind by the lead.  In my first few seasons, I learned to follow the one who knew where he was going.  Each step was marked by trodden snow or leaves.  It was not complicated at all.  Putting one foot in front of the other in the exact place the leader had placed his took no thinking.  It was simple, efficient, and effective.  As long as I followed the one who knew the way, everything turned out well.

When I meditate upon the verse above, one word jumps out at me.  SHALL!  Every genuine child of God has within him the desire to live right.  He or she has a conscience quickened by the Holy Spirit.  The wonderful Spirit that now inhabits our hearts and souls stirs us in a desire to be and live right.  The problem is this body of sin which has not yet been destroyed.  We want to live for the glory of God.  We want to escape the captivity of wickedness.  We want to honor our Father who has done so much for us.  We want to live in perfect holiness to the glory and praise of our Savior.  This is our new man.  The thing is, as frustrated as we can get sometimes with the failures for which we are so embarrassed, we cannot forget the eventuality of our eternal state.  We shall be set in the steps of righteousness.  We shall be perfect in every way.  We shall be like Jesus.  These steps will be ordered and these steps are certain.  Praise be to God and our LORD Jesus Christ!

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