Monday, May 29, 2023

His Judgment Is Always Better

Many seek the ruler’s favour; but every man’s judgment cometh from the LORD.” (Pr 29:26 AV)

I love this verse!  What a relief to know this is true.  Especially because my profession requires me to give advice and favor.  One might be puzzled by that statement.  Why would a pastor, who advises people and showers affirmation and purpose on them, rejoice that God’s judgment is better?  That makes people independent of the preacher, doesn’t it?  It sure does!  And that is a good thing.  Knowing there is a God who is infinitely wiser than I am and that the people of God can go to Him for judgment makes my job a whole lot easier.  And a whole lot more comforting.  The pastor can strive to be right.  He can do his best to discern the situation at hand.  However, he is limited.  Very limited.  Knowing God is there for them to guide and lead them is a comfort to the pastor.  Not a threat.  He knows that sharing his wisdom may not always apply as he sees it.  Therefore, by pointing the people of God to the word of God by prayer and heeding the Holy Spirit, they can discern the perfect will of God for their lives.

One of the greatest pleasures I derive is when I give advice and the child of God makes a different choice.  And it turns out to be the right thing.  I love being wrong.  When God is right and I am wrong, it is wonderful!  This shows to be that God is in control.  Nothing could illustrate this better than my daughters-in-law.  As any parent does, we pick our child’s spouse long before they are ready for marriage.  Perhaps there is a young person that impresses us so much and seems to be a perfect match for our child that we develop that relationship through befriending his or her parents.  We are impressed with how godly they seem.  We are impressed with their heart for the things of God and what seems to be a vibrant spiritual life.  I remember when my sons were teenagers and young adults.  We thought we had it all figured out.  The thing was, the young person whom we had picked out for our child was not what she seemed.  My sons knew that.  I did not.  I learned a valuable lesson after being wrong several times.  When I finally came to the conclusion the LORD knew what He was doing and He was doing it better than I ever could, I took my hands off the process and allowed the LORD to work in my sons.  Praise God my sons listened to God rather than their father!  I have awesome daughters-in-law, and I couldn’t have picked any better!

So, what is the application?  Two-fold, really.  First, don’t be so quick to accept the judgment of an authority figure if he or she is contrary to the word of God.  God does use them.  They are more right than they are wrong.  In fact, they are right most of the time.  However, your faith should ultimately rest in the judgment of God.  God is good, all the time.  He does not keep back from us that wisdom we need in order to live in blessed service and love toward Him.  His judgment is perfect.  God’s judgment should be the judgment you follow.  And any sage worth his or her salt will acknowledge this.  He or she will defer to the LORD without reservation or offense.  God is a whole lot smarter than us and we are not always right.  We have no problem with that!  Praise the LORD I have someone to whom I defer all my cases.  He knows what He is doing.  Praise God!

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