Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The Privilege of Being God's Friend

His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.” (So 5:16 AV)

This a good verse for those considering marriage.  I have used this principle several times.  If the husband and wife cannot be friends, they should get counseling and becomes best friends.  I have shared my own experiences with my wonderful wife and best friend, Lisa.  The context of the Song of Solomon is the courtship and marriage of Solomon and his beloved wife.  It is interesting these words are uttered by the wife and not the king.  This means the king and husband made his wife feel as though she was more than his wife.  He made her feel like his friend.  Because she was.  However, the point is made this relationship also describes the relationship between Christ and the church.  The fact that Christ calls us friends and we can call Him a friend is beyond amazing. 

Jesus said, “Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.” (Joh 15:15 KJB)  Our LORD gives a good understanding of what it might be that differentiates a friend from an acquaintance.  He states we are His friend because He has not held back in sharing all the Father had given Him.  Secondly, a friend knows the plans and purpose of his friend.  He knows what his dreams and aspirations are.  He knows where he has gone, what he has done, and where he will go next.  A friend, according to the Bible, knows things intimately that no one else knows.  This is the wonder of our friendship with God.  He owes us nothing.  Jesus does not owe us transparency. He does not have to tell us anything.  Yet, God provided us with the wonder of who and what He is by inspiring and preserving His word.  The fact God calls us His friend and that we can call Him our friend almost seems sacrilegious.  Nevertheless, we can and He does.

Another thought also comes to mind.  When I had a best friend, we spent a lot of time together.  My wife and I spend a lot of time together.  It is one of the perks of ministry.  I imagine living at the same location as you work and having a wife that does not necessarily need to work outside the home, affords a lot of relationship time.  Some regret such an arrangement.  I, on the other hand, relish it.  I get to spend pretty much my waking hours with my best friend, humanly speaking.  I love it.  When it comes to Jesus, the amount of time we spend with Him directly affects how intimate our relationship with Him will be.  The privilege to be the friend of God should drive us to increase the depth of that relationship.  When I read the above verse, I was moved with humble gratitude that the God of the universe would consider me a friend.

1 comment:

  1. Good day. Once again, you have reminded me if an attribute of our Saviour I need to cultivate more! It is indeed humbling and absolutely amazing He considers us friends. I have nothing to offer him but a submitted life and He graciously & lovingly accepts that and gives me unlimited and priceless access to the Father as He works through His Holy Spirit to conform me into His image. Praise the Lord!!
