Saturday, May 6, 2023

Character In Good Times and In Bad

Our heart is not turned back, neither have our steps declined from thy way; Though thou hast sore broken us in the place of dragons, and covered us with the shadow of death.” (Ps 44:18-19 AV)

A change of circumstances will test our character.  David, in the above passage, reflects on a severe turn of events.  The LORD required Israel to go through many hard times.  Sometimes, these hard times were for the increase of faith they would produce.  Crossing the Red Sea and the Jordan River was not easy.  Yet, they learned to trust the LORD through it.  Wandering in the wilderness was not an easy time.  Again, they learned faith through it.  Facing their enemies in life and death circumstances taught them principles and integrity.  If trouble came by way of disobedience, then it taught them repentance and obedience.  There were also times of prosperity.  There were times of success against their enemies or the drowning of the Egyptian army.  There were times of God’s provision.  There were times of peace.  Whether it is good times or bad, each will test our character.  The more dramatic, the bigger the test.  We are mistaken to think if we have one or the other, then we will no longer need to be tested.  The opposite is true.  We need a changing life that challenges us in both times.  Whether they are good times or bad, there are areas of our character that need to be proved.  The question is, how will we do in these times of testing?

Jonah and his gourd are a great example.  Jonah was called to preach to the capital city of Israel’s greatest enemy.  He was told to go to Nineveh and preach the judgment of God.  He ran from God and ended up in the belly of a whale for three days and nights.  Having repented of his flight, the LORD had this great fish vomit Jonah onto the shore of this great city.  He kept his word and preached to the city.  It took several days to cover the distance.  He walked and preached.  He walked and preached as he went.  When the whole of the city’s length was covered, Jonah went to the top of a hill to see what would become of Nineveh.  He thought he knew these people well.  After all, they made merchandise of the people of Israel and respected not their God.  Surely fire and brimstone were coming.  Being a desert place, God took pity on Jonah and prepared a monster gourd for him to hollow out and use as shelter from the hot sun.  There he sat.  Hour after hour.  Perhaps for days waiting for the wrath of God to come upon his enemy.  He was elated for the gourd.  His joy was changed into vindictiveness.  He wanted to see God destroy them.  However, a funny thing happened.  The gourd eventually dried up.  As gourds do.  In the meantime, the Ninevites repented and God showed them grace.  Jonah was deeply disappointed both in God’s grace and the dried-up gourd.  Prosperity revealed Jonah’s bigotry and vindictiveness.  Poverty revealed Jonah’s envy and lack of grace.  Extreme situations revealed the true nature of Jonah.

In the above passage, David promises to God that the people will remain faithful, even though at the moment they are facing hardship.  He can say this because he leads them.  David knows the only thing left when all is said and done is his integrity.  He knows there will be good times and bad times.  He knows life has ebbs and flows.  Some of them are rather severe or dramatic.  It is in these times when the people of God must keep their heads about them and do the right thing regardless of temptations or testing.  Whether the wind is at our backs, or walking headlong into a gale, our character is all we have.  It is the only thing under our control.  God controls our circumstances.  We control how we react to those circumstances.  This is David’s point.  In good times and in bad, we will follow the word of God no matter what.

One day left!  Ms Lisa, or Ms Theresa?  Who will win the $20 gift card?  Become a follower and help one of these two ladies spend their gift card on their husband!  Click the blue 'follow' button to the right, or if reading by mobile device, scroll to the bottom, click 'view web version' and do the same.  Don't forget to comment and mention either of these two ladies.  Their husbands are counting on you!

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