Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Pleading for a Thank You

“Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.” (Ps 107:8-9 AV)

This is so true.  Even when we don’t notice, the LORD is meeting the needs of our souls.  He fills it with the word of God and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.  The longing soul needs the comfort that only God can bring.  Only the Creator of the universe who is spirit, can meet the needs of our spirits.  For that reason, we should praise God for His goodness to us.  The plea is that which the LORD has laid on my heart this morning.  Not just for myself. But for all believers.

We live in a world bent on murmuring and complaining.  We cannot seem to have a good day, week, month, or year.  We are trained to evaluate all things in the light of what is wrong and not what is right.  We see the clouds, but we can’t take notice of the sunshine.  Look, we made the world what it is.  It is because of Adam’s sin, and our continuing in that sin, that resulted in a world of heartache and ruin.  It lays squarely at the feet of humanity.  However, no matter how bad we make it, God’s grace can be found.  No matter how difficult life is, the goodness of God abounds.  It really doesn’t matter if we can see it or not, the goodness of God is still obvious.  For that reason, the children of men should praise God for what He does for us.

Peter tells us that life itself is a grace.  The fact we can breathe and exist is a blessing that we do not deserve.  Being created allows us to know our Creator.  This, too, is the greatest of all graces.  To know and to love the One who made us is goodness beyond words.  This, of course, was and is provided by the sacrifice of Christ at the cross of Calvary.  Definitely a goodness.  Far more than the heart can fully appreciate.  God provides for our needs.  He guides us by His Spirit.  He does not allow us to stay the same but matures us unto holiness like Himself.  We have heaven to look forward to.  A temporal existence that will not be missed.  To say that God is not good is to be totally blind to the infinite mercy bestowed upon us.

We see what we want to see.  We see what we are trained to see.  We see what we have the disposition to see.  If we are not looking for the goodness of God, chances are we will miss it.  It will still be there.  I am on my way to heaven whether I meditate upon that or not.  I am forgiven whether I think upon it or not.  The sun will come up tomorrow and there will be air to breathe.  The birds will sing, the grass will grow, and there will still be food in the pantry.  Life may have its challenges, but through them all, God is faithful.  Perhaps instead of looking for the coming storm, we can remember the rainbow that appears after the storm.  Perhaps waiting for the other shoe to drop, remember you only have two feet.  Oh, that man would praise God for His goodness to the children of men.

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