Thursday, November 3, 2022

Zealousness In Dark Times

And he went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold therein, and them that bought; Saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves.” (Lu 19:45-46 AV)

 This event isn’t in and of itself out of character for Jesus.  What makes this event noteworthy is the context in which it was done.  This is not the first or only time Christ cleansed the temple.  He began his public ministry pretty much the same way.  When Christ came upon the temple as a house of commerce rather than prayer, He could not contain His zeal.  The psalm writer states it this way, “For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me.” (Ps 69:9 AV) John chapter two records the first cleansing as proof to the disciples of the Messiah’s identity.  The first cleansing was the launching of His public ministry and the event that would galvanize those who initially accepted Him as their Messiah.  Jesus embarked on His public ministry with the possibility Israel and Jerusalem would accept Him.  In the above account, the cleansing was done after His public ministry.  He would soon be taken prisoner, tortured, and killed by the very people whom He wished would believe.  What makes this event even more remarkable is that Jesus wept over the unbelief of the city of Jerusalem suggesting no matter what He did, they would never turn to Him.  Yet, He still cleansed the temple and taught in the midst thereof.  The second cleansing was a statement of absolute right coupled with zeal no matter the outcome.

I couldn’t help but see the similarity between the latter days of Christ’s ministry and the mission of the church as our days grow darker and more evil.  As we see the day approaching, is our zeal increasing, or decreasing?  What about our age?  Do we see our physical limitations as something to overcome, or an excuse to do less?  When we watch the news or read the headlines and realize the world is not getting any better, does the zeal of God’s house eat us up?  Or, are we ready to throw in the towel and ride it out?  Are we counting the effort versus the results and wondering if the payout would be worth it?  Do we see increased opposition as a challenge rather than an impediment?  Or is the opposition so fierce it is impossible to resist?  Do we see our times as an opportunity to speak for the glory of God?  Or do we see it all as a hopeless exercise that only can be resolved with the coming of Christ?  Do we see the temple filled with merchandise and commerce, remembering the LORD cleaned it out once and since the shallow worshippers welcomed it back, it isn’t worth it to clean it out again?

Revival comes to those who want it.  It will never come to those who have raised the white flag of apathy.  Revival comes to those who will respond to the work of the Holy Spirit and not limit Him to the circumstances in which it must come.  Zeal is a response to adverse circumstances.  If all circumstances were to our liking, there would be no need for zeal.  Zeal is the correct response to what we see around us.  Zeal is exactly what the church needs.  Zeal is the fire that needs to be lit, the energy that needs to flow, and the face of the holiness of God.  Zeal is what brings the gospel to the darkest of places, the corners where sin hides, and the hearts of those who would never seek it out.  Zeal is the source whereupon the saint draws his motivation to stand in opposition to the forces of evil.  It is the unstoppable force that turns a situation deemed hopeless by most into a possibility for right.  Zeal, partnered with knowledge, will change the world.  Zeal, with charity, will change a heart.  Zeal, with hope, will motivate the multitude.  Zeal, with love, will bring the grace of God to hearts that cannot see.  So, forget that the temple hasn’t changed all that much from the first time God moved.  God can and will move again.  Now is not the time to surrender.  Now is not the time to give up.  Countless souls are without Christ and there are still a few who want to know.  Don’t let the times dictate your commitment.  Let it do just the opposite.  Let the times stir you!  Let the darkness cause your light to shine even brighter.  Use the depravity around you to motivate you as an instrument in the hand of God.  Cleanse the temple.  One more time!

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