Friday, November 18, 2022

Not a Hireling

But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep. I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.” (Joh 10:12-14 AV)


Men will disappoint you, but Jesus never will.  This is not a criticism of the failure of men, but rather, extolling the loyalty of Christ.  Verse thirteen is used towards those who seem to show a lack of loyalty towards those to whom he ministers.  But this is not Jesus’ intent here.  Our LORD specifically identifies himself as the good Shepard who will lay down His life for His sheep.  The reason why is, they are His sheep.  The sheep do not belong to one another nor do they belong to another shepherd.  They belong to Jesus.  The hireling cannot love the sheep as deeply as the good Shephard does.  The good Shephard came to this Earth to live among us and to die for us.  His love is matchless.  Although we as God’s people strive to match that love, we cannot.  We are not capable of it.  The lesson here is that no one will care for us like Jesus.  No one.  The hireling did as he was supposed to do.  He did as he was hired to do.  Only Jesus can do what a hireling cannot do.

People will disappoint.  It is important not to expect of them that which we expect from Jesus.  This is the point here.  Jesus is promising to his disciples that no matter what life might bring, He will always be there.  There is no trouble nor threat that can do Him any harm.  He is by their side through thick and through thin.  He will be there when others cannot.  The good Shephard bought us with His own blood.  The hireling did not.  Jesus is our friend that sticks closer than a brother.  Brothers and hirelings may love us, but they can never love us as Christ loves us.  The good Shephard lays his life down for His sheep.  Most people will not.  This is not a reason to excuse away a lack of loyalty.  Sometimes the sheep require more than the hireling can ethically or possibly give.  He or she simply cannot meet expectations.  Sometimes the sheep expect the hireling to replace God.  He or she cannot.  She or he can only do what God equips them to do.  They are not a replacement for God.  They are the hireling.  Jesus is not.  He is LORD and Master.  He is the Almighty and Omnipotent God who holds all things in His hand.  There is no need He cannot meet.  There is no threat He cannot defeat.  There is no expectation He cannot fulfill.

Israel was used to placing its faith and trust in a manmade leadership.  From the time they rejected Samuel and the office of judge, Israel has fallen to the limits and faults of human leadership.  From their very first king to the Pharisees who now lead Israel, they have fallen victim to poor leadership.  They could blame the kings, priests, and Pharisees, but the fault lies with them.  They were the ones who rejected God in favor of a king.  The LORD is trying to remind them all human leadership has limits.  None can take the place of God.  God may use them, but they do not replace Him.  I am thankful I have a Savior who will always stand by my side.  He will always be there.  He will always see me through the hardest times of life.  He will never leave me nor forsake me.

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