Saturday, November 5, 2022

Wait For It

For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” (Hab 2:3 AV)


I love this verse!  What an amazing declaration of God’s sovereign plan that no man nor spirit can interrupt.  It may seem like His plan is canceled.  It may seem like the conclusion will never come.  But it will.  God will not allow the forces of evil to have their way much longer.  No matter how we may perceive the passing of time and the unfolding of God’s plan, nothing will prevent the coming of Jesus to His kingdom promised to those who live by faith.  The vision is for an appointed time.  That time is in the mind of God.  It doesn’t matter how much mankind thinks it can derail the plan of God nor does it matter how successful they think they are.  The vision is for an appointed time.  Like an appointment at the doctor's, it will come as scheduled.  The appointment is set and the event will come to pass.

When the appointment occurs, it will speak.  It doesn’t matter what I believe.  If I go to the doctor and think my symptoms are not an indication of a serious condition, it will not matter if the tests say differently.  The last word is the appointment.  When we sit with the doctor and he or she gives the news, there is nothing in our hearts, minds, or wills that will change the outcome.  It has been determined.  The appointment will speak.  God will speak when Jesus returns.  It matters not what we think, how we feel, or what we desire.  What God wants will be a new reality.

If we know we have an appointment wherein the outcome is already determined, then patience is a hard thing to come by.  If there was something we could do to change the outcome, we would be patient in our business to change that outcome.  However, if news is what we are waiting on, then patience becomes difficult.  I am at the age when biopsies are common.  The staff tells you two to three weeks is usually what it takes before results are given.  That doesn’t stop us from checking MyChart every day until the results are posted.  Knowing that Christ is coming back and it could be any time now, we are to exercise patience.  We are to wait for it and not give up hope.  We are to look to the eastern sky until the Day Star arises in our hearts.  He is coming back.  Nothing will change this.  Wait for it and when He does return, he will have the last say.

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