Sunday, November 6, 2022

A Spring in Your Step

Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.” (Hab 3:17-19 AV)

The prophet speaks of a time that is coming.  In chapter one and verse six, he speaks of the Chaldeans by name as coming to Judah and carrying them away.  His vision is one of the mighty hands of God both in the correction of His people, but also in their redemption and restoration.  The optimism and hope the prophet shares in light of the coming dearth is what struck my heart this morning.  The commitment to walking in joy regardless of the circumstances is more than admirable.  The manifestation of that joy is seen following the commitment.  There is a spring in his step.  There is excitement in his voice.  There is an anticipation of the grace of God even though he knows there are tough times ahead.  What an encouragement for the days lying ahead.

It is a temptation to allow the circumstances of life to dictate our emotional state.  Joy can be easily lost if we look at all that is happening around us or to us.  The commitment above is easier said than done.  When we see just how wicked the world can get, it is hard to maintain optimism.  When we suffer personal loss or serious health issues, it is difficult to have a permanent smile.  When we see the apathy of the church at large and wonder if anyone really cares for the needs of the lost soul, it is difficult to sense excitement for what God can do.  Habakkuk isn’t looking at the state of the present, but at what he sees as the immediate future.  He sees no fruit.  No blossoms on the fig trees; no fruit on the vine; even though they labor with the olive tree, it produces no oil;  no kids in the stalls; and the fields produce no crops.  The prophet sees no hope for an immediate increase.  Yet, he joys and there is a spring in his step.  Why?  Because circumstances are temporary.

He knows Israel will not always be that way.  Just because their immediate future does not look too bright, that does not limit what God can do for the long term.  Habakkuk knows they have to suffer a bit for their disobedience, but God is still on His throne and He will bless.  What a great outlook.  Regardless of what the world will do, one’s own body will do, or what the devil may try, the prophet will rejoice and walk with a spring in his step.  All the trouble we may face will only last this lifetime.  We know what lies ahead.  This will not last forever!  Walk with a spring in your step because there is something to look forward to.  And it will last forever.

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