Monday, November 28, 2022

God's Faithfulness

For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” (Mal 3:6 AV)


A proof text often used to prove the immutability of God.  God does not change.  He is eternal and the ever-present I AM.  His immutability is often overthought.  The character of God does not change.  The attributes of God do not change.  However, His actions may.  Merely because God acts does not necessitate a permanent change.  The immutability of God is a great comfort.  He is predictable and stable.  The LORD does not go off in an undisciplined manner.  He does not intimidate or cause anxiety in those who fear Him.  He is not like that.  The verse above is often used as a general statement of this attribute.  However, the context helps us see a specific way in which God does not change.  To what the prophet is referring is God’s covenant with Jacob.  More specifically, His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and David.  Jacob is used here to mean all of Israel.  When the LORD says He changes not, in this passage the LORD changes not when He makes a promise.  God is faithful and nothing we can do will change His relationship with us.  He is our eternal Father.  He loves us with an eternal love.  Even when we are not faithful, He abides faithfully.  He does not change towards us.

What a God we have.  When we are afraid, He is there.  He is there to remind us of His omniscience.  He knows what we face.  He knows the future.  He knows how we feel, for the in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, He felt what we feel.  When we are uncertain, He reminds us of His providence.  He reminds us that from eternity He has designed our lives to play out exactly as they are.  Nothing happens without His approval and involvement.  When we are tired and don’t think we can go another day, the Spirit reminds us of His omnipotence.  He is there to strengthen us and enable us to face whatever it is that tires us so much.  When we are cast down in our spirit because we have failed Him time and again, the voice of God speaks of His forgiveness.  We rest in the fact that God’s patience never runs out.  When we are irritated, envious, or feel as though life is not fair, the LORD reminds us that when He was reviled, reviled not again.  When we face one trial or difficulty after another, the nature of God answers our challenge.  But all of this would not matter unless we could count on His faithfulness.  For, when we needed Him and He was not there despite His attributes, our faith would fail.  The attributes of God are only as comforting as His faithfulness remains.

God’s faithfulness is not something we should presume upon.  Yes, He never changes.  Yes, His faithfulness never ceases.  But that does not give license to test it.  The faithfulness of God should be a great comfort.  He will never leave nor forsake.  He will never abandon.  He remains faithful.  He is the keeper of our soul as a faithful Creator.  He is there when we need Him.  He is there when we think we don’t need Him.  He is not about to ask us to enter a trial of faith without His hand holding us up.  He is there regardless of our awareness or lack thereof.  Like a loving Father towards his infant son, the LORD knows our frame and how weak we are.  He knows our flesh and how prone we are to sin.  He knows it all, yet He never gives up on us.  Praise the LORD!

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