Monday, October 31, 2022

Two Attitudes Which Guarantee God's Ear

Therefore I will look unto the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me.” (Mic 7:7 AV)


The prophet lists two foundations upon which he is assured that God hears his prayer.  These two foundations are looking unto the LORD and patiently waiting for His answer.  Just because we pray does not mean we exercise these two actions.  If we do not ask in faith, then were are not sincerely looking unto God.  We look unto God because we know He is the only one who can meet the need of our hearts.  If we do not think He can meet those needs, then we may ask, but we will look elsewhere for an answer.  If we do not think God will answer in some way; a yes, no or maybe; then the asking is a mere formality that means nothing.  If we go to God in prayer, it must start with faith.  Secondly, if we are not submitted to whatever answer may come, then we will not be patiently waiting for it.  If we already have an end we expect, then we will manipulate our situation to that end rather than seek guidance to whatever end God might have for us.  Note also the prepositional phrase following the waiting for God.  He is not just his God.  He is the God of his salvation.  There is no one else who can save him.  Even if there was, it is God that saves him.  The absolute confidence the prophet has in the ear of God is resolute because he has faith in God and is submitted to whatever the answer might be.  If we want the same assurance, then we need to check our faith and walk in humility.  Then we can know for sure that God hears us.

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