Thursday, October 13, 2022


The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.” (Ps 145:18 AV)


James tells us that whatever is not of faith is sin.  I know the context is slightly different, but the principle remains.  Paul tells us that without faith that God exists, it is impossible to please Him.  Faith is the key to our relationship with God.  Not emotions.  Not a ‘sense’.  Not an intuition.  Not even an opinion.  Faith is the key.  Although spiritual life does have an element of discernment and ‘feeling’ associated with it.  When the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, we feel guilt.  Not always, though.  Or, we could feel guilt when guilt is not warranted.  We can feel guilty for something that is not our fault because someone else has convinced us that it is.  Above, the psalmist declares the unassailable truth that if we go to God with a sincere heart and do not try to presume or hide anything, then He is nigh to us.  It doesn’t matter how we feel.  It doesn’t matter what others say.  It doesn’t matter what we sense.  If the Bible says that He is nigh if we call upon Him in truth, then He is.  We must accept this by faith.

A manager of a mining company would take his son to work every once in a while.  Dad would parade his boy proudly boasting of all his accomplishments.  Dad would take his son around the job and teach him about the mining business.  He would vigorously teach his son to observe all safety regulations.  All safety equipment must be worn.  When an area was marked as dangerous, there was no admittance.  Above all else, never go anywhere alone.  Always take a buddy.  In and out of the mine they went.  They explored different veins and check on the workmen’s progress.  At the end of one tunnel, there was caution tape and a big sign that read, “Danger! Do not proceed beyond this point without authorization from management.”  Dad explained the tunnel was unstable and they hadn’t had to opportunity to shore up the ceiling.  One afternoon, the son being of age, asked his father if he could go into the mine alone.  Dad gave his permission and off he went.  This young man thought that giving him permission meant the entire mine.  Including the danger zone.  This is where the young man headed.  He had his safety equipment on and even saw the prudence of wearing an oxygen tank.  Into the danger zone, he went.  As he explored, he came upon a vein of what he thought was something very valuable.  The vein extended up into the ceiling.  He got busy removing the ore and before long, the ceiling collapsed.  He was trapped within.  Looking for a vent and finding one, he shot a flare-up through the hole.  Then he waited.  And waited.  And waited.  As dusk approached, he was getting worried.  No one came.  Day two arrived.  Again, he shot a flare up the shaft.  And waited.  Another day passed and he was getting low on oxygen.  If someone didn’t come quickly, he would parish.  In a last-ditch effort, he blasted a horn up the shaft.  He did so in Morris Code.  S.O.S.  That did the trick.  Soon, men came to the shaft and he heard his Dad’s voice.  Knowing that as long as he didn’t give up and sent some kind of signal of his whereabouts, his father would never give up either.  Soon he was rescued from his tomb.

God does not turn a deaf ear to His children who walk with Him in sincerity and in truth.  We cannot see Him.  We cannot touch Him.  We cannot always sense His presence.  But that does not mean He is removed.  He is nigh to all those who call upon Him in truth.  He is there even if we cannot discern it.  Like the son trapped in the cave, it was faith in his father that sent up the flares and horn blast.  He never gave up that his father would find him.  He never doubted his father’s love.  The same should be true of the child of God.  Never doubt His love for you.  He loves you and cares for you in ways that are too wonderful to find out.  Until heaven shall be our home, we will never see the extent of how much God cares.  Take it by faith that God is nigh.  And then you will understand just how close He really is.

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