Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Favor With Man

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” (Lu 2:52 AV)


This statement regards the childhood of Christ.  Some would argue that standing for Jesus means we make adversaries by default.  Not that we are looking for them or seeking to make them.  It is the nature of gospel ministry and living for Jesus.  Wisdom is self-explanatory.  Stature means maturity.  An obvious statement.  The boy Jesus grew physically and socially.  He learned how to live and interact as a human being much like we all did.  It is that last phrase that we wish to consider.  Again, we know this is in reference to his maturity into adulthood.  No doubt, the boy Jesus did not embark on His adult ministry before his time and thus was never a figure of controversy.  It would have been much easier to be in ‘favor with man’ as a child.  But does that mean when He reached adulthood and began to embark on His divine calling that He was relieved of the goal to be in ‘favor with man’?  Paul says,  “If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.” (Ro 12:18 AV)  Paul shows us the balance as it applies in adulthood.  He adds the phrase, “As much as lieth in you”.  BTW, this would make a great sermon for teenagers.  The above statement is that of a young Christ child maturing into adulthood.  Three goals of every teen should be to learn, to mature, and to please God and his fellow man.  These three goals continue into adulthood.  As much as it lieth within us, we should seek to please God and man.  Not one as opposed to the other, but rather, if at all possible, both.

It is quite a statement to say the Son of God increased in ‘favor with man’.  Why would He have to?  He is God, isn’t He?  What did He have to prove?  Why would He have to be concerned with the opinions or reactions of the ones whom He created?  On the face of it, the idea that God must increase in favor with man is ludicrous.  However, for ministry to be effective, the Son of God condescended to men of low estate.  The Son of God set an example for all His disciples to follow.  This example is one of humble service.  Jesus Christ, the Creator and God of all condescended to the form of a baby.  The Son of God who is omnipotent subjected Himself to a creature dependent upon others for His very existence.  He humbled Himself as a man and subjected Himself to persecution from the same.  He chose to please mankind as best He could while staying true to His calling.  The ultimate price was His own life.  Jesus increased in favor with mankind in order that He might redeem them.  He did so without compromising truth or His calling.

We are the offscouring of the world.  The world hates us because it hates Christ.  This is becoming increasingly evident.  They do not wish to make a distinction of separation between themselves and Christianity, striving for some amicable compromise.  They wish to remove God from the face of the earth.  Just like Rome and Israel did to Jesus, the rest of the world wishes to do to His followers.  But persecution and rejection did not stop our Savior from trying to increase in favor with man.  Yes, the majority will reject Him.  But not all.  And, their rejection will not be based on some injustice or inappropriateness that the Divine exercised towards them.  They will not reject God because God failed to love them.  They will not say no to the free gift of salvation from sin and hell because God insulted them.  It may be framed that way by those who wish nothing from Him.  But that doesn’t make it true.  They will not reject Him because He wasn’t nice enough, cordial enough, or patient enough.  God has pleaded with mankind to repent lest He is forced to judge them for their sin.  He established the means of their salvation even before He created them.  God pleased man as much as He could while still remaining God.  We must do the same.  No more unnecessary striving.  No cold shoulder.  No antagonism from our end.  We must seek to grow in favor with mankind if we have any chance of reaching them with the love of Christ.

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