Friday, October 14, 2022

Infinite Faith Towards an Infinite God

Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite.” (Ps 147:5 AV)


No explanation is needed here!  Pretty easy to understand, yet hard to at the same time.  How do we comprehend something infinite?  The implication is the power of God is just as infinite as His understanding.  It’s like route 86 in the southern tier of New York.  A pretty drive, but it seems to go on forever.  This road runs from Erie, PA to about the center of the state of New York.  It runs through some scenic areas, but there are no cities to see.  No towns to speak of.  That is until you reach Corning.  We used to drive this road when returning from home to Chicago.  You can avoid all the toll roads in N.Y. which can be a bit pricey.  The downside is a road that seems to never end.  The road is hilly enough to avoid mirages. But I can imagine what that would be like.  Driving down a straight road with only a mirage in front of you has to be boring beyond compare.  No reference point.  No input.  Just a road that goes on forever with no end in sight.  This is about as close as we can get to what infinite means to us.  To continue with the illustration of Route 86, this highway threads its way through the foothills of the Appellation Mountains.  There is plenty of scenery.  It is not boring at all.  If you enjoy nature, it is a rather pleasant drive.  Until you are used to the highway, each time you travel it, an adventure ensues.  The terrain may not change all that much, but wildlife can.  This is more akin to the infinite power and knowledge of God.  The trip is grand.  God knows the end from the beginning, even if we do not.

Not being able to see and plan ahead is one of the hardest things when it comes to growing our faith.  We know that Route 86 can be a bit dangerous given certain weather conditions.  The closer one gets to Erie, PA, the more likely they will encounter snow off of Lake Erie.  There are many small bridges on this trip.  If the weather is right around freezing, black ice can be an issue.  If there is a lot of rain, there is the potential for flooding over the roadway.  There’s always the possibility of fallen rocks.  Of wildlife standing it the road or bounding across it.  If you encounter car trouble, the nearest help is tens of miles.  This highway is not well-traveled.  So, there is the distinct possibility that it may be a while before someone is willing to stop and lend a hand.  My father-in-law would often suggest this highway for that very reason.  Much less traffic and therefore, much less commercial traffic.  In his mind, the less traffic, the safer it was to travel.  Route 86 is a beautiful drive.  But it takes a bit of patience and a bit of nerve.  Not knowing what might happen and the proximity of help makes this option a bit riskier than the much better traveled and maintained toll system.  No doubt, it is a beautiful way to go.  But it takes more faith to drive it.

God asks us to trust Him.  This is no small thing.  We are not prone to place ourselves in the full care of another.  Even if we do take risks, they are controlled risks.  And we are the ones in control.  If at any time we feel unsafe, we can pull the plug on the whole thing.  This is not so with God.  To trust the LORD means we get on Route 86 and take it all the way to the end.  We may steer a little.  But there are lanes we must follow.  There are few exits off Route 86.  Once you are on it, unless there is an emergency, you stay on it.  Trusting the LORD is not for the faint of heart.  But He has not asked us to do the impossible.  He is infinite in power and understanding.  He knows all things including our futures.  He can and does control all things even though the future may look very scary.  He knows what He is doing.  Put the car on cruise control and enjoy the ride.  If the weather gets a little dicey, then drive safely.  But don’t get off the road.  God knows exactly where we need to be.  He knows exactly how to get there.  He knows everything and nothing is too hard for the LORD.  Trust in the LORD will all your heart!

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