Friday, May 20, 2022

What Did We Expect?

Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.” (Re 9:21 AV)

It always astounds me how deep the rebellion of mankind can go.  Even if the LORD sends severe incentives to repent, they still refuse to do so.  We are on the cusp of the tribulation.  What we are seeing now is a precursor of what is about to come.  The trouble that is persistently rising is trouble brought on by the rebellion of mankind.  The world is inching towards a one-world system and all that we see is designed to accomplish just that.  There must be groundwork laid for the entrance of the AntiChrist who will rule the entire world.  It is so interesting these four types of sin are mentioned.  When we think of murders, do with think of abortion?  When we think of sorceries, do with think of out-of-control medical technologies devised with no moral compass that does more harm than good?  Fornication is self-explanatory.  Sexual sin is not even considered sin anymore.  What about thefts?  Stealing for those who have earned what they have to feed an ever-growing power base.  These thefts will eventually be from God Himself.  I find this interesting that of all the types of sins God could mention, these four top the list.  The point is, that God in His mercy, sends judgment prior to eternity so that mankind may not suffer judgment for all of eternity.  However, we just don’t get it.  This shows how set against God the human race truly is.  They will endure all that God has to prove they do not have to submit.  This is absolutely insane.  The application to the saint is a bit different. That being, we should not be surprised that the direction of the world and what it means for us.  Like Israel in Egypt, some of these plagues will affect us.  Until the rapture, the disobedience of man will affect the saint.  But, take heart, the LORD is coming back.  The rapture is coming sooner than later.  Don’t let what you see discourage you.  Let it encourage.  We know the world is like this.  We were part of it.  If it wasn’t for the grace of God, we would be right there with them.  If the LORD Jesus Christ did not save us, we would be just as obstinate.  So, have compassion for a lost and dying world that needs Christ desperately and share the gospel wherever and whenever you can.  Not every single individual will cease to repent.  There are still those out there who will.  Until the rapture, never give up.

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