Saturday, May 21, 2022

Watch For The Buds

Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart.” (Ps 97:11 AV)

What a verse!  This is a great verse for those going through deep waters.  The verse is written to Israel who is looking for the coming of the Messiah amid very difficult circumstances.  They have failed Jehovah miserably, are suffering for this disobedience, and know the only hope of complete redemption is in the coming of their Messiah.  This verse is for anyone who might be going through the wringer.  Anyone who, by their own choices or by the trials of life is wading through deep waters needs to know there is light and gladness of heart sown for them.  ‘Light’ here can be several things.  It can be the hope of life.  It can be a revelation from God’s word.  Light can be a truth that we need to endure through these hard times.  ‘Light’ can be the light of cheerfulness shared by others.  ‘Light’ is also the very presence of God as the Holy Spirit indwells us to comfort our hearts.  ‘Light’ is that provision from God that enables us to see clearly the realities of life so that we may not fall victim to hopelessness.  What we need to see is that light and gladness are sown.  Like seeds that mature into plants, light and gladness are not always mature enough to enjoy them at the time they might be needed the most.  Trials of faith must be endured.  In those times, there is light and gladness.  But the lion’s share comes when the trial has had its perfect work.  Herein is our hope.  Life never stays the same.  It has its ups and downs.  In the downtimes, we are to remember there is light and gladness sown that we might recover and grow through and by the trials at hand.

Delivering papers in the winter is no easy task.  It is even more challenging in the snow belt of western New York.  Where we lived, the snow came off of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.  Since our weather came from the west or northwest, these two lakes running east and west dumped moisture into the atmosphere.  This means snow is measured by the foot and not the inch.  There were times when the snow fell so hard and fast, that it was near to impossible to trek through it.  We would ride our bicycles as much as we could.  Once the winter hit, it was on foot.  Our paper routes were in the evening or the morning; depending on the paper.  We always wanted the morning ones because they were small routes with just as many customers.  Plus, once you were done, you were done for the day.  The evening routes meant we ate many cold dinners.  Sunday papers were the worst.  There were about an inch and a half thick.  We couldn’t carry very many of them and usually used a wagon or sled to deliver them.  In the wintertime, this was especially challenging.  One of our routes had a couple of hills.  My sisters had that route.  I can only imagine how difficult that would have been to drag that loaded wagon or sled up those hills through several inches to a foot or more of snow.  It wasn’t easy.  What took an hour or so in the summer easily took three hours in the deep snow of the winter.  However, we did have one incentive to get our routes done quicker than expected.  My Mom!  Our mother made the most awesome homemade hot chocolate.  No instant hot chocolate for her.  No, sir!  This was the real McCoy.  Before we left, Mom was up planning breakfast.  She would ask us for our egg order.  Every Sunday was eggs to order.  Then she would put that milk on the stove.  As we went about our routes, getting soaking wet from the snow and our sweat, we knew Mom had fresh hot chocolate on the stove.  The hope of what was coming is what got us through the hardships of the immediate.

This is how light and gladness work.  Not every day is a bad day.  Not every year is a difficult year.  Even amid these hard times, there is gladness and light available. If we know how, when, and where to look.  The LORD has not left us without hope.  The LORD has sown gladness and light long before our trouble came about.  The word of God was given thousands of years ago.  Our friends at church were there before trouble came.  The Holy Spirit was given at the point of salvation and has been with us every step of the way.  There is light and gladness if we are willing to cast our eyes upon them.  Some promises apply.  There is hope for tomorrow.  There is purpose and meaning with everything the LORD asks us to go through.  There is joy in the morning.  There are some good moments sprinkled among the bad ones. They may be sprigs at the moment.  They may have a bud or two.  There may be some edible yet immature fruit to be enjoyed.  But they are there.  Given time, they will spring into fully mature sources of light and gladness that will make the trial all worth it.  If we allow God to be who and what He is, then we can see the light and gladness He laid eons before our trouble ever came.  It is there.  Cast your eyes off your circumstances and onto what is around you.  Get into, rather than out of, your Bible.  Fellowship with the people of God even if they cannot completely understand your situation.  Spend precious moments in prayer and process the emotional turmoil your trouble has brought.  Welcome the ministry of the Holy Spirit so that He might comfort your heart.  Light and gladness were planted a long time ago.  Look for it now!  It is there.

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